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I had taken James into the boarding house so we could somehow solve everything. Except it hadn't gone like I imagined.

"Sorry you can't come too, Stef," Damon pouted when me and Stefan came to the car. James was already inside. He didn't look well. I threw my jacket inside the car and turned back to Stefan. "Call me if you need anything," Stefan made sure I knew I could rely on him.

"Oh, I'll take a really good care of her," Damon smirked at us. I looked at him disgusted.

"I'll be fine, Stefan," I assured him, but he didn't seem to be paying an attention to me. He was staring at Damon with a murderous look.
I railed back to the conversation we had had before in my bedroom.


"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Stefan sat on my bed and played with his fingers. I placed some other things into my backpack, "Which part? Digging through my birth mother's life work or going to Duke with Damon?"

"Either, both," Stefan replied.

"Well, I'm not sure about anything. But I will have James and Ric there. So I think that I can mange to survive a day with Damon's company. Though I wish you were coming instead of him." Stefan got up and walked over to me, "You know what? Maybe we should wait a couple of days, huh? Wait until Caroline's less of a danger and I can go with you and also with Elena." He smiled at me.

"It's okay that I'm going, right? I mean, we could stay here and take care of Caroline. But I just wanna go now. Even if that means I have to go with Damon."

"Sure, go. I want you to go. I'm not gonna let the fact that Damon is going keep you from an opportunity to get some answers. He's not worth your worries." I smiled at him slightly, "You hate it though."

"I hate it." I giggled.

End of flashback

I felt like one of us was catching feelings. But I wasn't sure about who. No, I had to stop thinking like that. We were just really good friends. And I was thinking about it only because we had gotten close. After all, he was my sister's boyfriend.

"Okay, time to go," Damon announced. Stefan opened the car door for me. I smiled, "Take care of Elena for me, okay? Thanks, Stefan."

"I will," Stefan replied and I got into the car at the backseat next to James. He was gazing from the window and looked like if he was made of stone. Stefan closed the door behind me and Alaric drove off.

The first reason we were on our way to Duke was that me and Elena wanted to know more about our connection to Katherine. And the second was to find out something about Lockwoods, who were apparently family of werewolves.

"How you're doing back there?" Damon patted my thigh. I pushed his hand of off me and said nothing. Did he really think I would talk to him? Plus I didn't even know why he went with us. Me and Ric with James could have managed it alone.

"You know, this whole pretending to hate me thing is getting a little silly," he looked back at me. I looked out of the window and Alaric scoffed, "I don't think she's pretending. You did kill her brother."

"There is a huge asterisk next to that statement. He came back to life."

"Yeah, thanks to a ring you didn't know he was wearing," I informed him. Damon wanted to object something, but James stepped in. I had totally forgotten he was there and I probably wasn't the only one. "Wait. I mean, I've heard enough. So, can anyone finally explain me what is going on? I already know you and Stefan are vampires and Bonnie is a witch, which is completely crazy, because you shouldn't even exist. And this ring you're talking about is like making you immortal or what?"

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