Heartfelt Gift

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I woke up with a heaving pounding in my head. Slowly I sat up, rubbing my forehead slowly to ease the headache. I noticed the familiar cabin around me and slowly began recalling some of the previous night's events.

The blanket nest around me was empty, the blonde and dyed red head nowhere to be seen. I glanced around the cabin but it seemed to be empty. I pulled myself out of the comfy blanket pile and turned once I heard a knock at the door. Slowly I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Sam? Good morning." I greeted him with a yawn as I tried to see if Mae was somewhere in the field behind him.

"Hey..." his tone immediately signaled to me something was wrong. "What's up?" I asked with concern. His eyes darted, looking anywhere but at me.

"I'm breaking up with you."

I froze. My heart plummeted further and further as the silence between us prolonged. I hoped he would laugh and say it was just some cruel joke.

"Why?" Was all I was able to squeak out, tears building up in my eyes.

"I have nothing against you, you're great- but it's just..." he sighed and waved for someone to step over. The familiar beautiful woman with long pink straight hair stepped out. "Harper and I reconnected and I realized she's up to my standards. I'm sorry Rose..." Sam gave a weak smile before turning and walking away with Harper, their arms interlinked.

As soon as they were far enough away I rushed back into Mae's cabin and slammed the door shut. My hands shook violently as I tried to keep myself from hyperventilating. "Nonono- he- he replaced me..." I clamped a hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs.

"Hey Rosie?" Mae's voice called out and I turned to see where the sound came from.


My eyes flashed open as a concerned red head looked down at me. I took a few deep breaths as I glanced around her cabin.

'A dream' I almost laughed at how pitiful I was. Freaking out over just a stupid meaningless dream. Was I so insecure about losing Sam to Harper- well, yes actually. I mulled over the deeper meaning of my dream until Mae flicked my nose. Startled, I swatted her hand away.

"Sorry, you were spacing out. I wanted to wake you because breakfast is ready and Haley made you a hangover cure." Mae helped me up to my feet after her explanation. For a moment I wobbled, a throbbing pain filling my mind.

"Yup looks like the hangover cure was a good call." Mae chuckled as she helped me over to her small dining table. I took a seat and tried to comprehend what was happening. For a moment I felt like I was still in a dream.

"Where's Haley? Did she leave?" I finally spoke while she handed me a glass of 'hangover cure.' Its contents were unknown to me, but its flavor wasn't horrible so I didn't ask.

"Hm? Oh she was finishing up with the chicks, though they aren't really 'chicks' anymore." I blinked a few times at Mae's explanation as I tried to take in what she said.

"She's helping with the farm work?" I asked, voice completely laced with confusion.

"Mhm, why? It's your birthday so we both did everything before you woke up. I thought for sure her constant groaning from touching the mud would wake you up, but nope. You were out like a log." Mae laughed as she set three plates of food out on the table.

I stared at Mae in disbelief, there was no way Haley did farm work. Just as I was about to laugh at what I assumed was a joke, low and behold Haley steps into the cabin with muddied clothes.

Her hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail and the pair of overalls she wore were covered in smears of dirt. The work boots that seemed a bit too big for her were caked with mud, same as the gardening gloves she took off and threw beside the door.

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