Poptarts and Headaches

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My eyes opened to the sound of loud groans. I shifted my body in the bed, turning to Mae who had sat up and held her head in her hands.

"Need some water?" I asked, rubbing her back in an attempt to comfort her. "We didn't eat last night, so I can go grab something from the store?" I suggested. She only responded with a wave of her hand and another groan.

My own head was throbbing, but it was manageable. After all, I didn't drink as much as her. Abigail and Mae kept challenging each other to see who could drink the most. Resulting in the both of them being hammered.

I got up and brushed my hair out before slipping on a pair of flip flops. Since my pajama shorts didn't have pockets, I grabbed my backpack and emptied out its contents on the bed. . Making sure to check the time I noticed it was 10:08, we slept a lot longer than I had wanted.

"Make sure to aim for the toilet when you puke." I said before opening the door and leaving the cabin.

I was met with a warm breeze and the sound of birds chirping. The sheer beauty of nature brought a smile to my lips, even though the farm still looked unmanageable.

After enjoying the tranquility and the warm feeling of the sun on me for a while, I realized what I was supposed to be doing. Holding my phone and wallet, I made my way out of the farm and back onto the dirt path.

On my way to Pelican Town, I spotted a few flowers and leeks. I placed them into my bag because they might come in handy. The town square had a few more people wandering about, but I wasn't in the mood to socialize a lot. The first building I saw was a blue one that seemed to be a doctors office. The building beside that had a sign saying "Pierres" on it and it looked like the store I was looking for.

First, I made sure the place was actually open before I opened the door. Inside were a few aisles of goods and straight across from the door was a counter with a cash register on it. "Welcome to Pierre's General Store!" a cheery sounding man greeted me from behind the counter. I gave a wave and a nod in response before walking into one of the aisles.

The aisle I went down had necessities like toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste and etc. I grabbed a 6 pack of toilet paper and kept walking to the next aisle.

There was another man scanning through the foods in the aisle so I gave him a smile when he turned to me. Once I saw his mustache I recognized him as the owner of the saloon, Gus.

It was probably obvious to him that I wasn't in the mood for too much talking, because he left me alone. I looked over the things the store had to offer and decided to grab poptarts, eggs, water bottles, and sausage patties.

It was quite a handful to bring everything up to the counter. "You must be the new farmer right?" the man asked with a smile. I responded with a yes and he continued looking over the items I brought up.

I paid what I owed and then he bagged up the items carefully. "Here you go ma'am. Oh and I'm Pierre by the way, I think that was obvious though." he laughed at his own words and I only awkwardly smiled back.

"Well it was nice meeting you..." He looked at me and waited for me to tell him my name. "Rose." I answered quickly as I looped the bags through my arms. "I hope to be seeing you for business often!" Pierre said happily as I turned and left the shop.

Well that wasn't awkward at all... Not to mention I look like a reck. I sighed and realized I did that often. Oh well. I carried the bags back to farm, knowing Mae would be getting impatient. She might even eat the piles of rocks outside if she's hungry enough.

I made it to the cabin and struggled slightly to open the door. It had been almost an hour since I left so I got right to cooking our breakfast/brunch.

All of the bags were set on the table and I grabbed the box of poptarts, tossing it to Mae. She caught them from her seat on the edge of the bed and tore the box open immediately. I also tossed a water bottle to her and she began chugging it.

Mae munched on the poptarts while I pulled a pan and spatula out from the cabinet and drawer. I turned the small stove on and waited for it to heat up before cracking three eggs onto one half of the pan. On the other half I placed two sausage patties.

While it cooked I quickly put the eggs and sausage into the small fridge and then I placed the toilet paper pack into the bathroom.

When I came back I flipped the sausage patties and got two plastic plates from a box, along with utensils.

Everything finished cooking so I scooped two eggs and a patty on plate for Mae, and the rest onto my plate. I set them down onto the table and sat down to eat, grabbing a water bottle as I did. Mae sat down across from me and rubbed her forehead.

"Eat and it'll help." I suggested before cutting off a piece of the sunny side up egg. She started to practically drool over her plate and quickly started scarfing it down. Mae finished eating very quickly and looked over at me with a smile.

"Wow, your cooking is still the best." she complimented before taking her plate to the sink. She was already starting to look better. "How are you feeling?" I asked before taking a few more bites of my food.

"It kinda feels like someone is banging on the inside of my head, but I'm okay." she shrugged before turning the sink on and starting to wash the dishes. "That's glad to hear, my head still hurts a bit too. Sooo how'd it go with that girl Abigail?" I asked with curious eyes.

She paused to think for a bit and I finished up my food, bringing my empty plate to her. "Hm, nothing too crazy happened. We just talked a lot, joked. She seemed intimidating at first, but she's actually super sweet and a little weird." she laughed as she thought back on the previous night.

I listened to her speak as she finished up doing the dishes, including the cooking pan. I got a towel out from the bathroom shelf and placed it on the counter for the dishes to dry on.

"Did you get her number?~" I asked as I teasingly nudged her arm. "Nah, I don't even know if she swings that way yet. Plus her little emo friend kept staring at me and it was weird." she frowned and had a look of defeat in her eyes.

"Ooo you said 'yet' very interesting~" I laughed before walking over to the closet. "Enough talk about your girlfriend, we should get changed and start clearing some of the farmland." My tone changed to a more serious one as I looked through all of my clothes. "Yea yea..." she mumbled and rubbed the back of her neck before walking over to her bag next to the door. She pulled out a pair of jeans and loose black t-shirt with a skull on the front. I couldn't help but laugh at the shirt, it was way out of character for her.

"What? My brother lent it to me..." she mumbled defensively before walking into the bathroom to change. I went back to picking out an outfit, finding one fairly easily.

I slipped out of my pajamas and put on a pair of short black shorts and a yellow t-shirt tied in the back.

Mae came out a few moments after I had changed, wearing her new outfit. "Ready to get to work Mae?" I asked. She rubbed her still aching forehead before giving me a thumbs up. 

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