Thanksgiving Lunch

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Hi guys so this is probably the very first time to write a story. I hate to write this author's note on the first part of the story but my hands can't help bec I'm too overwhelmed rn. This is about bonkai bec I am such a fan. I hope you are too. If you are then high five

Love u guys xx


Chapter 1

"Wakey, wakey." I was awaken in a confined space, Kai's car trunk.
"Come here." He says as he carries me from the trunk with a secure grip towards the ground. Looking out in the surroundings, weirded out bec it was unfamiliar.

"Ohh" I let out a voice as he puts me in the ground.

"How did I Get so lucky to arrive here on a private flight piloted by yours truly?" I asked him with sarcasm raising a brow
"Oh, you would have been super-impressed with my flying skills, but I'd already knocked you out with painkillers." He answered with a sarcastic tone smiling as he throws a bag to the ground.

"Where are we?" I asked, still weirded out.
"Portland, Oregon, stomping grounds of Courtney Love, Tonya Harding, and tons of other awesome people." He answered with an obnoxious voice. Well he is always obnoxious. He gets a tiny knife and cuts the rope tied around my hands.
"You could have brought me anywhere in the world, and you took me to Portland?" I commented, annoyed.
"This is where I grew up." He said as he looks around and looks at me
"Ow! I've been counting eclipses since I was imprisoned on this empty planet, and according to my running tally, I've been here for 6,771 supernaturally repeating days, so in the real world, which we'll never get back to because you sent your magic away in a Teddy bear, today's my favorite day of the year.
And what day is that?" He said as he looks at me excruciatingly complaining about what just happened back in mystic falls as Damon went back home.

I'm cooking you dinner." He added.

We were walking towards the house, his house.

Pitter-patter of little siblings' feet, witchy-woo, chanting in the air, mom and dad calling me an abomination." He exasperated.
"Why did you want to come back here?" I asked.
"Because I can finally show it to someone." He says in front of me.
"My coven goes out of their way to make sure no one finds us, but since they're not here to be paranoid freak shows, mi casa es su casa." He expresses.


"That smells great." I commented with his oh-so-generous-lunch he's cooking which kind of relents my anger with him.
"Not exactly a turkey dinner, but it's what my family had in the fridge on May 10, 1994." He kind of complains of the food that's only present on his 1994 fridge.

I saw a tiny retro gadget I found on the middle of the dinner table, I reached out of it and held it.

"Don't touch that." He warns with a childish face.

"Heh." I let out a little laugh
"Your pager? Why?" I asked, curious.
"Because it's brand-new, looks cool, and I don't want you to bust it." He grabbed the pager from my hand.

"Listen, Kai.
My magic's gone, which means we will be stuck here forever.
Why don't we just divide the world in half and go our separate ways?" I say to him, pleading for his compliance.
"I get it.
I knocked you out, kidnapped you against your will." He says with a dissapointed look as he looks at the food he's cooking.
"Can't you see I'm trying to apologize? I will never trust you or like you or enjoy your company for so much as one second, so just quit trying.
Just let me leave here unharmed." I explained frankly speaking to him.
"Fine." He says agreeing in what I just said.
"Can we at least have one last dinner conversation before my eternity of aloneness resumes?" He requested as a condition which was a shocking respond from him.
"So you agree? One last dinner, and then we peacefully go our separate ways." I asked for reassurance of our deal which was hard to believe.
"In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'll even let you take my car." He responded with a cocky face and at the same time with a kind face. I was weirded out with what we just talked but it was pretty good. Can't believe this jerk has a heart. So I reached out at a wine and held it.
"How can I help?" I offered as a return to his Kind offer he just did.

Psychotic Possibility - Bonkai fan fiction , Bonnie Bennett and Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now