Hazy Morning

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Chapter 7

I woke up in the morning with the sun hitting my face.

I looked at the clock marked with 9:45

it was bright until I realized that I.. wasn't alone in the bed.

There was Kai, beside me.. putting his left arm on top of me.

I stuttered, immediately jumping off of the bed.

"What the hell just happened?" I yelled to wake him up.

He looked around and on me, kind of shocked of the situation, but he just laughed it off.

He looks at me sadistically smiling and grinning at me.

"Ughh, don't even do that" I brawled.

He smiled again motioning his head to send mental messages which is stupid.

"Shut up!" I yelled. I whizzed out in the room, wore clothes and went on the kitchen to drink coffee. I sat by the counter table still thinking about what just happened. Like I seriously don't remember any thing that happened. All I can remember is that we were on a pub drinking.


I was drunk.

That stupid idea on accepting Kai's drink. Why did I do that?

"Hey Ms. Beautiful Bonbon" Kai slid his hand on my chin waking me up from my verbal thoughts as he went on the counter table preparing for breakfast.

"Guess what?" He looked at me.

"the best cook in the world is cooking you breakfast."

I rolled my eyes as I sipped my coffee.
"Do you mind putting a top on? It would make breakfast better" I crooked a fake smile.

He chuckled as he propped his elbow by the counter table to face me, touching the tip of my nose.

"You're funny and cute. Don't you want to know what happened in the life of bonnie and kai last night? It must have been so epic" he waved his hand as if he waa narrating a wonderful fairytale.

I breathed in deeply with the thought that something happened between us.

"Not interested to know." I retorted him a face with a soft voice as I curl my fingers on my coffee warm handle.

We both glared at each other, sending flaming vibes.

After a while he slid the plate with pancakes towards me which broke the tension.

"I hate pancakes!" I wailed, bickering.

He sits across me, slicing his own pancakes and start eating looking at me.

"Can you just atleast stop staring?  That would make my day better." I grumbled.


Kai jammed a car and begged me to ride with him but I kept hesitating.

"Come on bonnie." Kai pleaded.

"Whatever" I sighed, bickering as I went in clashing the window pane.

"Easy there babe"

I looked at him. "Don't ever call me that or I would literally blow this stupid car off. Understand?"

He nodded playfully smiling.

The torture trip with Kai didn't took a day. Well I might've been asleep along the whole ride and luckily I was still fully alive and pumping.

"It's probably unusual of you not attempting to kill me. Weren't you tempted while I was asleep?" My voice croaking from my deep sleep.

"I'm a good person now." He swiveled his head from the empty road to my face mindlessly driving the car towards a green lawn to the right.

He parked his car in a cul de sac at the middle of a green lawn with a barn-like house and a bay on it's far side.

"And now we're here." He continued.

I briskly went in the house and locked the door not letting him in.

"Hey hey, wait!" Kai hooted.

"Okay.." he sighed as he reached the door closed at his face.

I heard his muffled voice from outside the stranger's house.

I prepared dinner for myself and ate.

I peeped out by the window seeing Kai lighting a fire of woods by the bay putting a large log beside like preparing for a campfire with friends. Such a freak.

I went out.
"Wonderful. So you're making a bonfire huh?"

"Hey, I thought your just gonna lock yourself in there and ignore me forever."

"What are we doing here anyway?" 

"Well I was supposed to show you a place where my family stays during summer and spring." He deadpanned as he was trying to light the bonfire.

"Oh." I mouthed, thinking that I went inside not knowing it was his house.

"But then you just went inside not being able to introduce you my wonderful home" he continued.

"Sorry" I apologized. Silence took place.

"hey, a sharp wooden stick. This is used to kill vampires, vampires." I thought and reached out the wooden stick, took it and placed it on the log.

"It's okay bonbon. Anyways we're gonna spend time in this wonderful bonfire together." He successfully lighted the fire.

I sat down the log and he sits beside me giving me a long stick with a marshmallow making the whole area cozy.

"And, here's the bags of marshmallows, sweetheart" he lent  the bags of marshmallows in front of me and got a marshmallow for himself and pricked it on his stick.

"Where'd you get all these stuff?" I asked.

"Oh. I got the marshmallows from a 1994 convenient shop over there, these sticks and woods over that mini forest, these other stuff I stole from those neighbors, such good neighbors." He pointed each direction as though showing instruction and information of the area.

"And ate dinner from that fancy restaurant near the village. We should eat there, it's great." He motioned himself facing the far fancy restaurant.

"Woah. Enjoying the free supplies and all these stuff?" I commented looking at him.

"Well it's a must for survival on this world." he responds as he sits beside me getting his stick with marshmallows and start burning it by the bonfire under the dim dusk sky.

We sat together under the post apocalyptic aura of this prison world and for the very first time with him, it felt great.

Psychotic Possibility - Bonkai fan fiction , Bonnie Bennett and Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now