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Chapter 17

I'm in a forest, dark and cold.

"Bonnie... bonnie" A voice from the dark unknown calls my name. The voice was so familiar.

"bonnie, you need to know somethi-" the voice cuts off.

I woke up and thought about my dream, my life is back but still a little hell creeps me every single night.

It has been weeks and I haven't heard of Kai but there are so much issues that are transpiring every single week.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower then this nauseous feeling in my stomach crawls me up again.

I went to the toilet and puked. I try to breathe and thought what's happening to me.


"Two coffee lattè please" I wait for Elena to order us coffee.

"Hey there emo" Elena walked towards me as I looked at her smiling and I rolled my eyes, smiling.

"one coffee lattè for me and one coffee lattè for you" Elena puts the coffee in the tall table stand. We sat on a tall chair with a tall table.

"I've been having weird obnoxious dreams about Kai and it felt kind of odd, I mean, just why would I have dreams about a person who tries to kill me and torture me back at the prison world. I mean, am I turning into a psychopath? Or do you think he's back? " I exclaimed.

Elena breathe in deeply "Doesn't mean you're having dreams of a psychopath, makes you one."

I sip at my coffee.

"Or maaaybe, you have a thing for Kai?"

I choked at my coffee as Elena mentions a thing for Kai.

"Are you kidding me?" I reacted showing a face of disgust.

"I mean liking someone who has a dark personality doesn't mean it's unlikable, just like how me and Damon was."

I sighed and rolled my eyes saying here she goes again.

"I mean you can't stop your heart beating elsewhere, it speaks loud and you can't shut it out." Elena tries to convince me but it all just disgusts me.

I looked at her weirded on why she's trying to say things about me and Kai.

I show a facial reaction saying oh really? With a bored face.

"Well that can be true but I don't believe that thing, me and the psychopath, nah uh, nothing's happening" I motioned my both hands showing a no wa' sign.

Psychotic Possibility - Bonkai fan fiction , Bonnie Bennett and Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now