You and Me

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Chapter 27

I just can't believe this is happening. Me and Kai having kids. I mean how absurd would that sound. Me, Kai and the whole atasat issue. If I only knew this is where my future is going, I would kill myself but the funny thing here is I never die. It's either I die and become a ghost and somehow manage to be resurrected or I get stuck to a prisonworld with a living psychopath and didn't know that psychopath happens to be the father of my children. Well there's one important thing you should know. You were placed under a spell and we all believe Kai did that but really it isn't him, it happens that the one who did the spell was the mother of your boyfriend. Funny right? So that's it for today Elena. I miss you.

Bonnie placed her journal to her bedside as she finished her diary for the day as Elena wanted them to do so she would know what she missed.

She stared blankly at the ceiling thinking about the guy that made her pregnant if she really want him back or just move on with her life. She took the journal at where she placed it and opened it.

Kai had never bothered to show up since the time we..uh made out in the hospital bed. I know what you would Elena but I just kept this for so long. Everytime I see him it's like I just want to kiss him and push him in a bed but there's still this part of me that hates him. I don't know Elena but I miss him and I'm being so confused because my twins are growing and they need a father. I don't know but I think Kai is just being this irresponsible father who leaves his children. I don't even know why this is my future.

"Mommy, mommy there's something downstairs." Her three year old twins giggling as they ran to her room.

"Rudy and Malia what is it huh?" Bonnie played with her twins as she kissed them in their forehead.

Bonnie went down the stairs and found nothing but a mail.

"Another stupid mail from an unknown person"

She opened the mail and found a letter


And that was it. That was what the mail contains and it has been sent there in her new home in Philadelphia over and over again for years.

She burnt the mail and that was what she does all the time.

She knew those letters are from Kai because it's obvious but why won't he just show up, she thought.


Her mom took her twins to her hometown but Bonnie stayed so she could relieve out all the stress.

She took a swim at her pool, showered and went to bed but she couldn't sleep.

All she thought was why would Kai not show up. She is bothered to the thought because every night she always have this intimate dreams with Kai. One time he would bend her over a desk, push her to the wall and kiss her hungrily and most of it done on the bed. She didn't understand why.

"Stupid Kai dreams." She said to herself.

The wind howled loud at the night opening her window. She stood up, closed the window and the moment she realized a witchpower scrawling over her consciousness. She was wearing a sleeveless sleep shirt and a flannel shorts and felt the magic through her clothes

She knew it was Kai at the moment she felt it.

"Malachai Parker" She muttered, still facing the closed window.

Bonnie felt hands crawl up her arms to her shoulders. She shuddered her arms swaying off Kai's hands.

She turned and saw Kai's blue grey eyes darting at her own wearing his typical black coat, his body pressing at hers. He exhaled from lifting his eyes from Bonnie's legs to her face reminding her of her kinky dreams. He was amused at so much skin he's seeing.

Psychotic Possibility - Bonkai fan fiction , Bonnie Bennett and Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now