This Guy

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Chapter 24

"So..." I looked at him by the bed staggering at my words.

He looked at me intently like he's eyes are about to kill my clothes off
but he didn't.

As my mouth was still formed in an "o", I looked down at my clothes and surprisingly I was still on my clothes, my tall black layered strap cami top was still there and my jeans was still on its right place except for him, he was topless.

Again, what the actual hell did we do last night if my clothes aren't even nearly touched?

I just couldn't remember and maybe-

My thoughts pulled over until he finally said something.

"You were drunk last night."

Finally the dead air came to life.

I jolted out of the bed, briskly wearing my bovver boots and left the room without speaking a word to the guy I just slept with.

What was with his stare, it felt so familiar like the one I had with Kai.

I groaned, what is up with Kai. I know and I am fully aware of what happened between me and Kai at the prisonworld but the things that happened in there stays there.

I may be fully aware of the memories between me and Kai but I wasn't aware of where I was walking and where I was heading until someone grabbed my shoulders from my back and it was Caroline.

"Bonnie? Why are you here?"

"Ugh" I was reluctant to what I should say until I just simply decided to just tell her the crazy experience.

"Well" I said playfully.

"Like you said, I hooked up with some dude but not with a 41 year old but he's more like our age." I smiled playfully.

"Oh here's my sweet lady Bonnie. C'mon let's go back to your apartment. Let's leave this hotel, that guy you hooked up might trace you and stalk you."

We we're heading down the stairs, rode the car with just me and Caroline and she asked me why was I there and they were looking for me for the whole night but ended up on the hotel with Stefan to deal with their naughty business and didn't expect to see me there.

We reached my apartment and it was just three blocks away.

As we came in my door, I asked Caroline.

"So where's Stefan?"

"I don't know with him, we've gotten into a little fight when we woke up from the apartment, blaming each other that we should've been searching you than ending up in a hotel which-" She started crying.

I gently run up to her and wiped her tears.

"Care I'm sorry, I'm fine and so are you with Stefan." I hugged her warmly.

I let go and she gestured herself to the fridge whilst I search my phone to find and call Stefan but I couldn't find it from my jean-pockets and it was nowhere.

"What's wrong?" Caroline asked as she was eating some pork rinds.

Then I searched again and realized, I must have left it at the stranger's room. I have to go back in there.

"I think I might have left my phone."

"What! I'm going with you."

"No. I'm just gonna get it over there and leave."


I gave her a look that says I can take care of myself.

I reached out the door and saw Stefan who was about to knock the door.

Psychotic Possibility - Bonkai fan fiction , Bonnie Bennett and Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now