Visions Academy

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Hey Gwen, everything's alright there ? How are you ?

Mm.. I just feel like a teenager who got kicked off by her dad because she fell into depression. I was currently unpacking my clothes while talking to my dad on the phone.

Gwen... I didn't kick you off, you know I'm doing this for you... I'm doing what's best !

I think I can chose by myself what's best for me. I coldly replied emphasising on my possessive pronouns.

I'm trying Gwen. Really sweetheart, if you'd help me help yourself.. I don't want to see you like this ever again. Enjoy your life Gwen, life is short... I heard him say and I clenched my fist. I knew he was trying to be a good dad, I got that he was doing his best for me but he was kind of forcing me into something I didn't want to be apart of. After 30 long seconds of silence I finally replied

Don't worry dad.. now that I'm here I don't really have a choice... I shrugged even though he couldn't see me.

Great.. have you met your roommate yet ? He gently asked, probably feeling that the mood lightened.

Nope. I decided to give a short and quick answer to make him understand I still wasn't open to talking.

Oh... then... I hope it'll be someone good and.. you can be friends... he hesitantly answered. Well, I'm gonna go back to my shift. Call you later butterfly.

Yea.. I answered then hung up.

Don't get me wrong, I actually love my dad. I'm just kind of mad at him right now for sending me off to this elite school. I told him I didn't want to go, because I didn't wanna add the stress of classes with everything else I'm already dealing with. And let me laugh, me, my roommate, friends ? Joke of the year..

I just finished unpacking my stuffs as classes start tomorrow. It's now time to decorate this place (or at least my side of it) to make it look more like... me. I decided to place some posters and books for now. I looked at the result, kind of satisfied and checked the time. 5pm already... I should probably go and look for the interesting places in this building. By interesting I mean the cafeteria and the roof. The place where I will grab food, then the place I'll go to avoid people. As simple as that.

I took my coat and got out of the dorm and started walking through the hallways.

Just great... I said to myself letting out a big sigh when I noticed everyone else in there was wearing their uniform and, me who wanted to go unnoticed, looked odd with my casual outfit. I put my hands in my pockets avoiding everyone's gaze by watching my feet and continued to walk to where I guess was the cafeteria. I was still crossing the hallways when I bumped into someone.

Oh ! My bad unknown blond haired woman, did I hurt you somewhere ? My name is Pavitr ! A joyful voice spoke. Great, out of all kind of persons I could bump into, I had to run into the overjoyed type of person. I let out another sigh and cleared my throat, finally lifting my head up to see he was stretching his hand for me to grab.

Oh, nice to meet you... Bye. I glanced at his hand and try to walk past him but he came back in front of me.

You look like you're lost ! Are you looking for something ? I could guide you, I know this school like the back of my pocket ! He excitedly said, talking a little too loud.

Uh yeah, could you stop screaming ? The whole school doesn't need to know I'm lost. I said clearing my throat. I wanted to turn down his offer but well the sooner I found the cafeteria and rooftop, the faster I'd go back to my dorm. Actually, I'm looking for the cafeteria, could you show me the way ?

Haha ! I was right to run into you blonde white girl who I still don't know the name, because you were walking to the exact opposite ! He laughed and I let out a polite chuckle. I swear he is so loud.

• • •

And this is how my dog got stuck in the dish washer wearing a purple skirt. Oh, we're here ! So, this is our amazing cafeteria ! In here you can meet a lot of weird and funny people, we always eat fries on Friday, Monday and Thursday's canteen woman is bitter as hell but you'll get used to it ! I usually sit around here with my amazing and stunning girlfriend Gayatri and my friends Miles, Ganke—

— Okay P, I think it's enough for the cafeteria.. I tried to cut him off because he was about to go on about his hobbies at the cafeteria and would probably make a link with how his cellphone actually smells better than English class or what.

Anywhere else you want to go ? He asked with a big smile.

No, no it's alright ! Thank you very much ! I put out a fake smile and started going the other way fast walking to avoid him. Does this guy ever stop talking ? Wow, I don't think I've heard this much words in a whole week for a long time..

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