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Oh my god what am I gonna do, I don't even have basic knowledge of the last classes... Gwen exhaled starting to stress before hiding her face with her palms. I clicked my tongue thinking of words to give her some hope.

It ain't even that hard you know, you got this. I said taping her shoulder.

We were sitting down on a bench as Gwen was depressing about that test.

It's easy to say for you you're a genius... she said and I gulped, well indeed I am but I got good grades because this class is so easy, there isn't much knowledge to have, just basic notions, names, and you can make up the rest with your own vision... just gotta make it make sense. I thought (maybe I should've said that out loud)

I told you I'll help you revise this exam right ?

But there's no time left ! She said.

Of course there is time, it's only noon we got all day ! I assured her stroking her back as she sat straight.

You're right... let's go to the library or something. She offered standing up, suddenly sounding motivated.

We can do this at mine... I murmured looking away. She turned to me and gave me a smirk.

No distraction mister Morales, we need to be focus. She said pinching my cheek.

There are no distraction ! I defended.

You are a distraction.

I'll be with you either way ? I said confused.

The atmosphere won't be the same, there are some things we can't do in public.. she added as I gulped.


Like nothing, let's go ! She grabbed my arm drawing me behind her as I rolled my eyes.

• • •

At last, Gwen and I studied until 9pm and I explicitly explained her everything without being too confusing. Seeing how fast she understood, either I was an amazing professor, or she was very smart. I'll go for both because I don't doubt my capacities, nor hers. After explaining to her, I helped her remember the most important things and once 9pm came, my mother's call interrupted us and we decided to stop here, anyways it should be enough for the exam.
Monday morning rapidly came and I quickly prepared to meet Gwen before the class start, she was standing in front of the door looking tired as hell with notes on her hands.

What time you slept this time ? I asked sighing.

Not that late... she said in a small voice but later leaning her head to rest on my chest. I scoffed letting her do.

Yeah right... so you ready ? I asked and she shrugged but I took that as a yes. You'll pass it, you're smart. I whispered to her as the teacher came in view. Finally we entered the class and the exam lasted for 2 hours.

• • •

Lunch time arrived and I was excited to have Margo back at our table, and so was Hobie.

Homegirl finally made her comeback ! He commented with a smile. He handed his fist for her to bump and she responded with a grin.

Can't imagine how happy I am, I had enough looking at you from 3 tables further and laughing at the jokes I could barely hear. She laughed and I chuckled too but deep inside this was sad as hell !

For me it hasn't been so long but I am so happy you eat with us again ! Pavitr said as I frowned.

When he comes to my room he sees Margo. Gayatri explained seeing my confused expression.

Oh, makes sense. I nodded. I felt Gwen's head again leaning against me as it was now positioned on my shoulder.

What's wrong with your Gwendy ? Hobie asked.

She got too ready for the philosophy exam. I answered shrugging.

That test was so easy, Ganke commented.

Excuse you, nerd. Gwen jokingly replied sticking her tongue out as I chuckled.

Really it depends on the professor because I got a C+ at my last test. Margo sighed as Gwen's eyes opened wide.

Aren't you like super smart ? I thought your worst grade was A- !

My worst grade is C. She answered squeezing her lips probably feeling the pain again.

My worst grade is a B+. I smiled proud.

Wow, you are indeed the smartest.. Gwen said looking impressed and that just boosted my ego cause I loved it when Gwen think I was cool.

Bro got a bright future. Hobie commented with a smirk.

In the future, I am going to become a great actor ! Pavitr solemnly said standing up as we all chuckled. It's true ! He added.

I believe in you, but why are you doing these studies then ? Gayatri asked putting her hand on his. I watched them as I decided to discreetly do the same with Gwen. Pavitr scoffed brushing his hair to the side like he was waiting for someone to ask this question all his life.

It's just a springboard so I can be smart handsome and talented. He proudly added putting his hands on his waist.

I love your confidence. Hobie said.

Y'all know what you're going to do later ? I really don't see myself doing something else than gaming on PS4 all day after I pass my exams ! Ganke said

You have choices and time. Gwen reassured.

What are you gonna do after you graduate ? I curiously asked her. I personally had a lot of choices too, but I was ready to follow her.

Oh I... I don't know.. she giggled looking down as I raised an eyebrow. What about you ? She returned the question.

He once said he was gonna be Black Panther, Margo laughed.

Remember when he said he would prove Pokémons exist ?? Ganke added laughing out loud.

I was friggin 7 ! I defended embarrassed. Why am I always the one to get in these situations.

My guy had some big goals... Hobie nodded impressed as I rolled my eyes. Anyways since we're all talking, I'm reminding you I'm going back to UK in December and when I'm ready... I'll start a career. He said as we all looked at him, surprised excited and proud.

Wow.. I could hear Gwen and saw how she looked at him. Yeah, clearly admiration. I smiled as well, happy for her.

We love a good mood and chill chapter😌 nooo drama, for now🫠
Btw it's the 42nd chapter I didn't expect the story to go that far tbh I initially wanted like 20 chapters but y'all love and support to this story means a lot and makes me want to write more actually thank you again, we're currently at like 50k views, plus 1k votes and comments I'm sooo grateful😭🫶🏽🫶🏽

I wonder if y'all see where this is going actually! I left two or three hints already about how this will end🫢 I'm all ears to your theories but if you got some I can't really reply because you might be right or wrong, if I say something obvious y'all can guess too easily😂 I just live reading your reactions, opinions, theories... thank you again🤍

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