The other guy from Queens

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The last days of holidays went too fast and it was already Monday. This morning I woke up tired and late as hell because I had spent all night talking with Gwen on video call. I didn't bother hurrying though, I was probably gonna come late, to be honest I've never been on time for philosophy. I slowly get off my bed making my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth still in a daze.

Miles mijo are you ready yet ? Your dad is ready to drop you ! Mom said knocking on the door.

In a minute... I yawned responding in a tired tone while still brushing my teeth. I rinsed my mouth and got out.

Miles hurry up it's 7:40, we gotta be there at 8 ! Dad yelled passing next to me steering to the front door.

In a minute ! I repeated sighing, why he screaming when he's just next to me ? I went back to my room and quickly slipped on my school uniform. I'm ready dad, I said opening the door and walking out.

Adiós mijo come home fast. Mom said kissing my cheek.

Will do, see you mami. I answered going out. I hopped in the car as dad was already inside and he greeted mom before going off.

I started to doze off again while in the car as dad was talking alone, probably whoever pissed him at work and tell me to not be that type of person. I was personally wondering how would the day go, I know it will be weird I already feel it. When lunch time comes me and Gwen will have to tell them about us which is basically the reason Margo won't be at our table.. speaking of which, I (obviously) haven't been in contact in her since we "argued".

Miles are you even listening to me ?

Yes dad I am, I am... I answered looking outside the window. My eyes started wandering around the city for a minute when they unexpectedly met with a familiar silhouette. Hey dad can you drop me here ?

Why ? We'll be at your school in five minutes ! He scoffed looking at me in the rearview mirror.

I'll just walk there ! I replied staring at Gwen who was starting to get out of view since dad's car still moved forward.

Okay fine get out, he clicked the button allowing the door to open and I immediately jumped out. Say hello to Gwen for me ! He yelled and I playfully rolled my eyes closing the door.

I made a little run towards Gwen then started to tip toe when I was close enough.

Hey babe ! I exckamied kissing her cheek from behind as she flinched letting out a faint gasp.

Miles you scared me I almost punched your face ! She said offended as I chuckled. She smirked shaking her head before taking my hand. You look tired. She sarcastically said.

Who's fault you wouldn't hung up the phone yesterday ! I snorted. But can't blame you for being obsessed with me. I narcissistically answered shrugging.

You're joking, you were the one who didn't wanna hung up ! She laughed offended. Quoting : "please Gwen don't hung up I wanna sleep with you on the phone !" She imitated in an exaggerated tone.

I don't recall. I joked as she playfully taped my chest. We should hurry it's almost 8.. I noticed checking my phone screen.

Let's skip philosophy class.. she offered out of nowhere.

Why ? I asked confused.

— Just want to spend some alone time with my boyfriend. She shrugged and I smirked.

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