I believe in you

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After running for 10 minutes I arrived at the bus stop, I took the first one that came and put my hood on. Or more like his hood on, since I was still wearing his big jacket. Honestly I would've thrown it by the window but it's just so cold outside I can't. It smells like him and this breaks my heart, just thinking that he probably just put an end to our relationship on that note. We were doing so good, but he definitely has trust issues and is always doubting me. Today he went too far and I don't even want to see his face anymore. I can't believe how the day turned out, it started off so well..

A tear fell down my cheeks as I recalled all the sweet talk he used to do to me and just basically how great we were doing. I guess we weren't mean to work out. I took my earphones out playing some music to forget about it, but of course my playlist being 70% Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish didn't help.

• • •

Taking a deep breath, I entered the building as I paused my music. After a 20 minutes long travel (mostly because I was walking slow as hell) I arrived to see him, because he would be the only one I could tell everything to and he would actually understand my situation.

And so I walked in, pushing the door open as I was greeted with the loud noise of chatters and happy faces, which were a huge contrast to my current mood. I put my hands in my pocket, hood still on and started walking discreetly upstairs, at this time of the day he must be there. I walked up the stairs going unnoticed by everyone and knocked three times on the wooden door. After 5 seconds I heard noises from inside and the door finally open.

Gwen ? He spoke.

Hey Peter, it's been a minute. I said with a weak smile.

Perfect timing I've brought Mayday ! He happily said as I looked up, I think he saw I was kinda down. Oh, bad mood I see. He snorted. Come in. He then invited in a head sign.

We both walked inside, I took another look at his office, it was cute he had pictures of him and MJ everywhere, plus some more recent photos of Mayday. And I was glad to also be present on one picture plastered on his wall. He's so strong, I couldn't imagine losing Miles and just going on with life... here I go again thinking about that boy. I sighed at my own thoughts as he sat down on his desk, looking at me.

Nice shoes. I sarcastically commented seeing he was again wearing his slippers.

I don't understand why people shouldn't come at work in slippers I mean, the more comfortable, the more productive. He explained chuckling, I mentally agreed though. So Gwen, you want to talk ? He carefully asked as he started walking to his baby's cradle and took her out. She was dribbling but she was still super cute.

I guess that's why I came. I nodded squeezing my lips. I then walked to take a seat on the chair in front of his desk.

You want to hold her ? It'll help. He offered as I looked up at him, scoffing. He is so unserious. No really it helps ! He said more confidently putting her in front of me as she started baby talking to me.

Hi Mayday, please tell your dad I'm okay even if your mega cute. I told her delicately touching the tip of her nose. He pouted and took back his baby in his arms before he sat next to me, letting out a sigh he spoke.

You don't have to carry your pain alone Gwen, I'm here for that. I believe in you. He said, my eyes starting to water, why did he have to always find the right words at the right moments, even though I didn't even speak yet.

I, I... Miles broke up with me.. I admitted, my voice uncontrollably shaking. I didn't mean to sound weak, I shouldn't let this get to me he doesn't deserve even a tear from me ! I shook my head, wiping off the tears before they could roll down and sniffed, looking back at him, he looked kinda sad after what I said.

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