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Sitting on the bench, I was currently waiting for Miles to comeback while eating my waffle. I didn't really have something to do while waiting for him so I decided to look up on Safari what gift could I buy for Hobie.

Musically speaking, I think he already had everything he needed. He was leaving for London soon so maybe as a fellow neighbour from the Queens I should offer him something that would remind him of home ? Not the best idea though, I wanted something that he could use everyday, if I had to take something to remind him of Queens it'd be like hanging out at famous places.

Wait there is actually something that defines him.. I smiled finally having the idea. The guy is an anarchist, offering him a shirt saying « I don't believe in consistency — Hobart Brown » would be sooo funny. I laughed typing it in my note, a reminder to hit the internet when I'm home.

My second matter now is finding a gift for Miles. My talented artist, I should buy him something that would help him enhance his art style..

Gwen Stacy right ? I heard a deep voice and turned my head to where it came from. My eyes opened wide and I gulped seeing Miles' uncle. I know Miles loves him a lot but for some unknown reasons I just feel so uneasy around him.

The one and only, I tried to smile. You're Miles' uncle right ? Nice to meet you... again.

The one and only, he repeated in an amused tone. He took a seat beside me as I looked away, okay... weird, but okay... you're wearing his jacket ? He noticed.

Oh yeah, he lent it to me... I awkwardly chuckled.

Y'all are really close, it's good to see.. he nodded putting his hands on his pocket.

Yeah.. I agreed, deeply wishing for Miles to come back now. This whole random situation started to stress me out for some reasons, plus it was really awkward, I don't why he was staying so long we have nothing to tell each other ! But he's just trying to be nice right ?

Miles and I have always been really close... he started as I discreetly looked at him. He gave me hope... and I was his escape. He said. Their relationship was strong and sincere, I liked it. Miles already told me when he couldn't tell something to his parents, he would automatically go to his uncle. I always wanted him to look up to me. But I didn't have the money to make things right at some point... so I enrolled. And everything was good, until you came in the picture. He said in a low tone as I frowned looking at him. The atmosphere suddenly got heavy and I just wondered how all this came to me, how was I involved in their relationship. As his eyes coldly turned to mine, I felt my heart beating fast, my mind was telling me not to say close to this man, but why ? He's Miles' uncle, Miles loves and trusts him, he's safe !

Is he though ?

What do you mean ? I managed to utter.

Oh I simply mean... my nephew shouldn't be with a girl dealing with so much problem. He shrugged as I furrowed my brows. No way he's talking about this. He isn't supposed to know about this. I froze unable to move one muscle when
he confirmed my thoughts saying, you know Kingpin got no patience. December month already started, you should get that money ready. He said, his right hand then went out of his pocket as I flinched fearing what his next move could be. He let out a chuckle and placed something on his mouth. Unless you want your daddy to be involved in all that.

The tears started falling down my cheeks as I was struggling to breath, recognising the voice of the masked man. The Prowler.

It couldn't be. He couldn't out of all people, be Miles' uncle. He was so close to me this whole time and we even met before at Miles' house.

Please don't do anything, please... I said in a shaky breath tightly closing my eyes.

I don't want to Gwen, really, we can make things easier. He said in a sigh putting the voice changer back in his pocket. Your my nephew's girlfriend, I wish I could treat you right but fate decided otherwise. Let Miles out of this. It concerns us only. He added. I closed my eyes shaking my head.

Just leave me the fuck alone ! I said clenching my fists. My emotions were mixed, I felt shocked, upset and sad at the same time. When will Miles come back ?!

Oh, uncle Aaron ! I heard Miles' voice and immediately felt relieved letting out a sigh. I quickly wiped the tears away trying to look normal. What you doing here man you told me you'd be out of town ? He chuckled coming to us to handshake his uncle. His mood did such a huge contrast with the current atmosphere. But Aaron apparently quickly adapted to that.

I came back just yesterday, I was just buying some stuffs you know. He said. Frowning, totally annoyed by his hypocrisy and how he was lying to Miles everyday while looking at him in the eyes while pretending that he wanted Miles to look up to him.

I decided to stand up, as I felt his stare on me. I raised my head to face Miles who looked a bit confused by my unusual attitude.

Miles, can we go please ? I asked with a forced smile. The sooner we left, the better.

Alright if you want... he said probably noticing my uneasiness. I'll see ya uncle Aaron. He said nodding at him.

Good, take care of your girlfriend. His uncle said as we started walking away.

It's so good to see him again damn I had so much to ask him ! Miles excitedly said. Once we were far enough, I stopped our walk. I couldn't let him in the dark for any longer, it hurts me to see how much he cares for such a liar and a criminal, I couldn't stand it. Gwen what's wrong ? Why you stop walking ? He asked confused.
I looked at him, ready to tell all the truth when I felt my phone vibrating. I immediately took it out, and as expected on the screen was displayed a text message from an unknown number. « You better know how to shut your mouth — Prowler » was written. But respectfully, I didn't give a shit about this anymore. I was in this for too long, now was the moment I slapped them in the face. Gwen ? Who texted you ? Why you been so weird since we went to the mall ? He asked in a worried tone. I took a breath, turning off my phone and once again looked up at him.

I- I'm sorry, Miles I have something to tell you... I said gulping. I was hesitant to tell him because I didn't know how he would take it and it was so sudden and came out of nowhere.

You can tell me anything Gwen you know. He said with a reassuring smile, making me relieved again. I closed my eyes and some seconds later felt his lips delicately meeting mines. Was he feeling it too ? Was he also reluctant ? I was scared for what would happen after this, but I had to tell him.

Everything would be alright. He said he'd always defend me, he trusts me, he loves me. I don't have to worry about anything.

Remember that one time I told you there was more details to the Peter affair...

You sure you ready for this ? And... here ? He asked looking at our surroundings, okay we were in the middle of the streets but I couldn't care less at the moment. The truth needed to come out. Quickly.

I have to tell you now Miles. I said in a determined tone, looking at him right in the eyes. At that moment I know he felt something wasn't right. So the thief that assassinated my best friend... I had to deal with him for one more year... and I still am. I admitted as he looked shock. Now was the moment, the moment I revealed it all. I took his hand, taking a breath as I spoke. And that man... turns out to be your uncle. I added biting my lip.

Gwen couldn't run from her problems and secrets forever😩

what do y'all think is happening next?? It's getting really dangerous😭😭😭

Anyways please vote and comment a lot, thank you big time for 64K it's huge I feel y'all love to this story everyday and I'm so grateful😭🫶🏽 see you tomorrow!!

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