Chapter 4

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Danny POV

'Danny come here we have some news ' I heard one of my bandmates saying to me. I jumped immediately off the couch and almost ran to the other side of the studio. We were today in the studio to write some new songs together.
I see my two bandmates Mark and Glen sitting around the table. With our tour manager Alex.
They all looked at me.
'What? ' I said surprised.
I sit down next to Mark.
'Well, Danny you guys are nominated for best group for the MTV awards and plus you are invited to come this Saturday ' Alex told us.
'WOW AMAZING!' Glen, Mark, and I said together.
Immediately we hugged each other.
This is amazing news. MTV is important for us as a band.
We are famous or let's say people know us as a bed in Europe. But we would love to get more famous in America. And I believe that MTV will help us with that.
'So that will be a party on Saturday ' I laughed.
'Yes guys hope you will have a great time there ' Alex said to us with a smile.
I bet will have a great time there.
'Witch artists are coming too? 'I asked curious to Alex.
Alex said some names and then he said ' Also Taylor Swift is coming '.
Taylor Swift.... The woman who inspired me.
What a woman is Taylor. She makes every show a great one.
And plus she is gorgeous.
'Danny, are you awake? 'Suddenly said Mark to me with a laugh.
He just waved with his hand just in front of my head.
'Danny is dreaming about Taylor ' Glen grins.
'Oh Well maybe it's your chance to talk to her ' Alex laughed at me.
'I hope ' I replied.
I really hope I can meet her there.

After a long day at the studio, I came home when I straight decided to call my sister Andrea.
My sister Andrea or I call her Andi lives also here in Dublin. Just 5 minutes away from the city Centre. We have a good connection and I talk with her about everything. Even about relationships and my job.
'Daniel ' I heard Andi on the other side of the line saying.
'Andi we are this Saturday at the MTV awards ' I said excitedly to her.
'WOW, THAT'S amazing Daniel! So happy for you all three ' she said happy back.
We talked further about other stuff while I was lying on my couch in my apartment in the middle of the city center of Dublin.
Love to talk to her. She knows also how to keep me calm in nervous moments.
After 30 minutes we hang up and I'm going to find out what I'm going to eat for dinner.

Taylor POV

The next morning we fly over to Dublin. I don't like jetlag so I'm happy and relieved that we got some 3 days left until the MTV Awards show in Dublin. When we reached our hotel I immediately walked straight to my hotel room with my cats. I slept for a few hours in my bed. And when it's almost evening and time for dinner I wake up.
I grab my phone and watch the site from the MTV Awards and I'm curious about who is coming. I read the names...
Kanye West
The Script
Katy Perry
Kings of Leon and more....

When I look at The script, one lad the middle one keeps my attention. The black dark hair and very long guy look pretty. Somewhere in my body, I felt something. I can't remember when I had my last date. Or relationship because my passion, my work is so important so I don't have much time for a relationship. But now I see around me everyone is settling down I want something too. Someone who understands me. Then it reminds me of one of my songs

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?

I couldn't think more of this when I heard a knock on my door.
'Taylor it's time for dinner with the crew ' I heard someone saying. That someone is my mother.
'I'm coming! 'I yelled back.
I threw my phone back to my night table and jumped off the bed. Quickly changed into some comfy jogging pants and a purple hoodie and put on some comfy shoes and then I walked to the front door. 


Next chapter The MTV awards with the Kanye West moment and meeting Danny from The Script.... 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now