Chapter 14

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~ 5 months later ~

Danny POV

It's finally time that me and the lads are going to fly over to Dallas for the beginning of a new adventure. Going on tour with Taylor for the next months in America would be so cool.
'Did you pack everything? 'I heard a voice saying behind me.
Standing in my living room.
I looked at my two big suitcases.
I nodded.
'I'm ready and you? ' I asked.
'More than ready and I'm so thankful we have talked to each other and that I can join this adventure ' Anne said with a big smile and she came to me and placed her hands around my waist.
'I can't wait to have you around ' I smiled back and placed my lips against hers.
Then I heard my doorbell.
'It's time to go ' I said to her after I let her go.
'Yes let's do this ' she said excited.

Taylor POV

In two days the Reputation tour is going to start in Dallas. We also ended our America tour in Dallas. On the last night, some people are going to film the whole concert. And it's going to be published on Netflix.
My crew are already busy building up the stage in the Arena.
And I'm so curious about what it looks like.
I set up a big stage where my band was playing on a huge screen.
But with some songs, the screen comes up so everyone can see my band.
Today I'm going to fly over to Dallas to my hotel room.
I have a hotel room close to the Arena for the first three nights. After that,  we are going further to the next city.
'Taylor you are ready? 'My mum asked me when we were sitting down in my kitchen.
A lot of suite cases are in the hall.
'Yes I'm more than ready ' I replied with a smile and took my last sip of my hot tea.
'Good me too can't wait to be back on tour with you '.
I nodded.
'And I'm glad you are with me '.
I jumped off my chair and walked to my mum.
I gave her a hug and then I placed my empty cup in the dishwasher.
Then I heard a car outside.
'It's time to go to the airport ' I said excitedly.

3 hours later we settled down in my private jet. I was looking at my phone when I saw a message from Danny.
He sent me a picture of him and... Anne.
Is she coming too?
OMG, I don't like her even though I haven't met her in person.
I feel like there will be some drama on tour.
I messaged him back safe flight and then I looked at my mum.
My cats were also there in the plane and one was lying down on my lap.
'So Danny is coming also? 'My mum started the conversation.
I nodded.
'Yes and ... and his girlfriend ' I said softly.
'Hmm 'My mum said only.
'I want to talk to him about my feelings and want to ... '
'to what? 'My mum said curious.
'ask him what he thinks about me but now Anne is coming I can't do that ' I said with a sigh.
This conversation about Danny feels like a bit weird.
But with my mum, I can talk about anything. Also about boys and my relationships.
She always gives me good advice.
'Just do it when you and Danny are alone 'suggested my mum.
'Hmm ' I replied only.
I'm looking outside. And then I felt the plane was moving.
The reputation tour is going to start very soon.......
And hopefully without any drama.

Danny POV

After 10 hours flying to Dallas. We made it. Anne slept next to me during the whole flight and I was watching some movies and slept for a few hours.
'We are here! ' I heard Glen saying Happy when we were all walking out of the airplane.
It's almost afternoon. Almost 5 pm.
But also feeling weird.
I guess that's called a jet lag.
'Let's go guys ' I heard our manager saying to us.

In less than 2 hours we reached our hotel. Our manager said that we have the rest of the day off and tomorrow we will do some soundcheck in the Arena.
The hotel is a 5-star with everything in it, like a sauna, swimming pool and a fitness room.
'We can go swimming? ' Anne suggested to me.
I shake my head.
'I want to sleep ' I replied.
'Fine too 'She said only.
We dumped our stuff in our room and when I jumped into my bed, I felt my phone buzzing.
When I looked up I saw Tayler her name on the screen.
Immediately I pick up.
'Hi Tay ' I said.
'Danny you are here? ' She asked me.
'Danny, who is that on the line? 'Anne asked me when she was sitting down next to me on our big bed.
'Taylor 'I replied quickly back to her.
'Oh Anne is with you I hear, well I ... ' I heard Taylor saying.
'No Tay you want to meet up now? 'I asked her then.
'Yes if you want but you had a long flight so .... '.
'I'm coming in 5 minutes? 'I said immediately.
'Yes I'm waiting downstairs 'She sounds happy.
Then we hung up and when I look at Anne she wasn't happy about this. 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now