Chapter 6

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Taylor POV

When I was backstage I ran immediately to the woman's toilet. I locked myself up and sat down. Then the tears were rolling down on my cheek. How on earth can be Kanye so mean to me? I just won an award for best female. This isn't feeling good. I feel so terrible about this. I burst out into tears. I didn't know how long I was sitting on the toilet. Staring at my award witch It was standing on the ground just in front of me. Then I heard a door.
And a familiar voice.
'Taylor ?! '
'Are you here? '
I didn't say anything.
'Taylor! 'This time recognize the voice. It's my mum.
'Yes I'm here 'I sobbed.
'Oh honey come here, come out of the room '.
I sighed.
Then I stand up grab my award and unlock the door.
I came out of the toilet room.
Then not much later I felt my mum's arms around me. And I sobbed. Very hard.

Danny POV

Wow what just happened, that's so unreal and mean! I look at Glen and Mark. The nodded. I know they have the same idea about this. Poor Taylor.
I know I would probably do the same thing. Running off stage and never coming back. But I want to talk to her. I stand up.
Glen and Mark looked surprised at me.
'Where are you going? 'Glen asked me.
'Bathroom ' I replied and as quickly as I could I walked out of the arena on my way to the bathroom.
Not much later I reached the man's bathroom. I saw that the women's bathroom was next to ours. But when I wanted to enter the toilet I saw an older lady walking out of the room and then followed by......... Taylor.
She looks so sad.
'Taylor? ' I said to her. The older woman was looking at me.
'Not now young man I think she needs space ' she said to me.
I nodded.
Of course, she needs space.
'But I want to talk to her about ... ' said again.
Then she looked up and she saw me.
'Oh hi it's you, Danny, right? ' she said softly.
'Yes, that's me how do you know? ' I laughed.
Then I see a little smile on her face.
'I Google you ' she said softly.
'Oh of course you do '.
Then I looked at the older woman.
'I think we need to go before everyone is coming around her ' the old woman said to Taylor.
She nodded.
Then she looks at me.
'I want to talk to you tomorrow is that okay?
Are you living here or ? '
My mouth went wide open.
Does Taylor Swift want to talk to me?
'Of course, I'm living here, and love to talk to you tomorrow '.
We switched our numbers and then she left with her mum.
And I walk back to Mark and Glen.

Taylor POV

Luckily we are back now in our hotel room. I quickly put out of my dress and take a hot shower and then I cuddle up in my pajamas in my bed. My mum was still here in the room and sit down next to me in bed and stroked my hair.
'Tay this isn't fair what Kanye did, but I think you have to try to move over '
'He doesn't know how you are '
'And how you are living your amazing life '.
I sobbed only.
I let my mum talk and honestly, that is the only thing I want right now. No press or media. Only my mum and me in the room and my cats.
'I know that Mum ' I said softly.
Tears were still rolling down my cheek.
'But I will try to move on ' I said again.
I don't know if I can do this. But I will do it....

The rest of the evening we watched some TV with my mum and watched a funny comedy movie. Later that night my mum went to her own room and I grabbed my phone which was lying next to me. And saw some messages from my friends. Who were all so sweet. Sweet messages also from my crew.
And then I saw a message from Danny.

Tay! I'm all team with you! Hope you can sleep tonight and let's talk tomorrow about it.
Me and my mates are with you and we think that Kanye is wrong!
You are a strong woman and we believe you!
See you tomorrow at my place.
X Dan

When I see the X Dan I can smile a bit. He was so nice a few hours ago. Just before my mum, I wanted to leave the arena. So I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. But a part of me wanted to see Danny again. Then I replied back and put my phone back next to me and put the lights off. 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now