Chapter 29

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Taylor POV

Me and Danny were waiting in the lobby of the hotel when a blondie walked towards us.
' Danny you are back! 'She said at loud.
'ANDI' Danny said back and he ran towards her.
They hugged each other.
I guess that's the sister of Danny.
Or let's say one of the sisters of Danny.
Then she let him go and she looked at me.
'Taylor! Finally, I'm going to meet you '
'I'm Andrea, but you can call me Andi 'She introduced herself to me.
She walked closer to me.
'HI Andi nice to meet you, let's hug? 'I said back with a smile.
'Yeah that will be cool 'She grinned.
We hugged and from that moment I knew I would be friends with her.
After the hug, we take Andi to the restaurant and sit down around a table.
We talked about everything and mostly Andi told me about younger Danny and their family.
We laughed, we talked and I talked about the tour and how Danny and I became a couple.
'Sorry I'm going to the toilet 'I said later.
'We will still be here when you are back 'Danny replied to me with a smile.
'That's good to know 'I laughed.
I put quickly my hand on his shoulder and later I left the restaurant.

Danny POV

When Taylor left the restaurant I looked at my sister.
'And did you tell Taylor about you and Anne? 'She asked me.
I shake my head.
'Not yet I want to tell her today '.
'Oh, Danny you have to tell her soon, or at least today! Before she read it on the Internet! 'Andi said with a concerned face to me.
'I know! I will do it today! 'I promised her.
'Good because, I know you two are so cute together and Taylor is perfect for you!
I really don't want you guys will break up or have a fight about that! '.
When my sister says the last word I know it hits me.
I know she is right.
I have to tell Taylor today. Before it's midnight.

Taylor POV

The day went over as soonas we knew. After dinner, I was so tired that I and Danny went back to my hotelroom. Danny was in the shower when I was chilling in bed. Watching some IrishTV. Andrea, Danny his sister left after dinner. We had a lovely talk with her.
I promised her that we would stay in touch. Maybe I will see her tomorrow again.
We still have some days off before the tour starts here in Dublin.
When Danny was still in the shower I grabbed my phone and went on Instagram.
Then I saw something coming up in my timeline.
A new flash about Danny and Anne who is getting a child in 9 months?
I can't believe what I just read.
My mouth was wide open. Still reading it when I heard that Danny was finished taking a shower. Not much later I heard the bathroom door was getting open.
I look up and see Danny standing with only a towel wrapped around his waist in the doorway.
His wet hair a little bit of hairy sexy chest and his blue eyes weredistracting me.
I looked at him.
'I have to tell you something when I'm finished with drying up myself 'He saidto me with a smile.
'Of course, you have to tell me something ' I said seriously while I sit on thebed now with my legs crossed under my butt. 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now