Chapter 19

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Taylor POV

I'm in shock. But it feels so good. Danny his lips against mine. This is what I want.
We kissed full passion against the wall of my dressing room. Danny his arms are around my waist.
Then I pulled him away from me a little bit.
'Danny ' I said then.
I look at him.
'Yeah? 'He said softly.
I look at him.
His beautiful blue eyes.
 with his short black hair.
'What now? 'I asked him.
'Well I'm going to send Anne back home and then we will see how it goes with you and me 'He suggested.
'Can I trust that? I mean the last time.... 'I said back.
Danny sighed.
'Yeah I know that was not okay what I did but I know deep in my heart I'm heavily in love with you Taylor and I ... 'Danny said and then he stopped with talking when I put my lips against his.
Not much later we heard a knock on my door.
'Taylor we have to go back to the hotel '. Someone was standing behind the other side of the door.
I look at Danny.
'We are coming 'I replied.

Danny and I decide that he is going first out of the room. When Danny was gone I changed into some comfy clothes and grabbed my bag.
When I was outside the dressing room I saw my mum and dad and manager waiting for me and my two bodyguards as well.
'Let's go 'I said to them all.
'You were amazing Taylor like always 'My mum said proudly to me, while we were walking to the car.
'thanks mum it went great at the first show after a while 'I replied.
And yes it went well.
I'm glad I'm back on the stage. This is what I want.
And now also getting in Love with Danny my life is complete...

Danny POV

After I had the first kiss with Taylor I went with the lads and Anne back to the hotel. When we arrived there I had a good talk to Anne in our hotel room.
But she wasn't happy with the idea.
'WHAT you are going to break up with me to be with Taylor that.... 'She said angrily and before she said a very nasty word I started to talk.
'Yes and I have to trust my feelings and I love Taylor for a while now and I have to do this! 'I said back.
'Well Then I have to start packing and I'm going home 'She said angrily and she turned around to walk to her suite case.
In less than 10 minutes she packed everything.
'Did you see a flight? 'I asked her.
'I will see it at the airport, I don't want to hang out here any longer '.
And with that, she left the room.

Taylor POV

It was a bit crazy on the road but we made it to the hotel. The car just stopped in front of the hotel. One of my bodyguards opened my door.
'Thank you 'I said to him and walked immediately into the hotel.
But when I came into the hall from the hotel I saw a familiar woman with a suitcase walking towards to me.
And she wasn't looking happy.
'You! 'She said angrily and quickly she came forward to me.
It's Anne.
I guess Danny has broken up with her because she is here with a suit case in her other hand.
'Hi, Anne 'I only can say.
'Is that the only thing you can say? '. She said up sad.
'Yes and I'm going to my room, 'I said to her, wanting to do a step side way. But she grabbed my arm.
'Listen Taylor you may be a very popular popstar but you can't have everything like Danny and about him, I'm going to fight him back 'She said, and before my bodyguard could do something she let me go and left the hotel.
I don't know what to do with this.
Is she not giving up on Danny?
But I couldn't think more because I heard my phone buzzing.
I grab it out of my pocket and see it's Danny.
I immediately picked up the phone.
'Hi Danny, I'm in the hotel'. I said to him.
'Aww cool can I come to your room? 'He asked me.
'Sure I'm meeting you there 'I said back. I don't know what is going to happen this night with Danny....

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon