Chapter 17

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Taylor POV

I can't move. I just stared at them. Danny and Anne were both kissing each other with full passion in the middle of the hall from this hotel.
I thought he was going to break up with her.
I don't know what to do.
I saw some people walking by and staring at them.
Then I felt like my feet were going to walk.
Walking to them.
'Uhm ' I said.
But no reaction.
'Uhm .... ' I said again. This time a bit louder.
Suddenly Danny stopped kissing and when he saw me he immediately pushed Anne away from him.
'Taylor .... I 'he said stuttering.
'Danny ' I said only back.
'Oh hi Taylor ' Anne said with a fake smile on her face.
'I thought... ' I started to talk and I didn't look at Anne. Only to Danny.
'Yeah well about that.... '.
Danny stopped talking and I guess he can't find the right words to say about this.
But I'm so disappointed in him.
'Well, Taylor just backed off from him. He is mine ' Anne said mean to me.
'You can have him, he is all yours, and if you are going to be mean all this tour maybe you should better be going home because it's my tour and I don't like drama queens '. I said annoying back and with that I walked quickly away from those two.
I don't need drama and now with this tour which is going to start very soon.

Before I knew the tour was going to start today and after I found out Anne and Danny were kissing each other in the hall of the hotel I hadn't seen them both. I just need to focus on the tour and today it will finally start!
'Taylor you are ready to go ? ' I heard my mum saying on the other side of my hotel room.
'I'm almost done ' I replied.
I'm standing in the bathroom and watching myself in the mirror.
Can't really wait to start this Reputation tour soon.
After a few minutes, I left fully dressed in comfy grey jogging pants and a black Reputation hoodie in my bathroom.
'Let's go ' I said to my mum and my dad was already standing by the door.
Then we left the hotel room.

'Taylor so grateful you are here ' I heard people saying to me when we arrived at the arena. People who work there came to me.
'Thanks and so thankful that you are here to work for me ' I replied with a smile.
Then we walked all together, my mum and dad, the manager and my bodyguards beside me to my dressing room. Walking to the gray boring walls.
I heard some noises. Sounds like the band is already on stage. Checking their instruments.
'In 20 minutes we are going to do the soundcheck 'My manager said to me.
While we were still walking.
'Okay cool and after that I got some time to chill 'I guessed.
My manager nodded.
'Okay 'I replied.
When we reached my dressing room I was surprised.
It's a huge room with everything I need. A couch a tv. And a bathroom. More I don't need.
Just a simple room to chill before on stage.
'Water is here and food and if you need something else give us a sign ' A worker said to me while she was standing in the doorway of my dressing room.
'I will and thank you again 'I said to her and smiled at her.
Then she left.

Danny POV

Today it's the big day! The Reputation tour is going to start today. The other guys are thrilled and excited. Just like me. But on the other hand, I'm struggling with Anne. I was so sad about what Anne said to me about Taylor some days ago. But then she did her magic trick and now I'm still with her. And honestly, one part of me is still in love with her. But on the other hand, I want to be with Taylor. But Taylor made her decision and I haven't seen her after that. And yes I'm feeling guilty about what happened.
'Danny you are okay? 'I heard Anne saying next to me in bed. I turn around.
I look at Anne. Who is still lying next to me in bed?
'Yeah I'm fine 'I mumbled.
'Well you are not looking fine 'She said immediately.
'Anne 'I sighed.
'What? '. She looks with her big blue eyes to.
'I'm still angry at you for how you treat Taylor 'I said to her.
'She deserves it! I mean come on she ........ 'Anne said and then I put my finger on her lips.
'Stop, please! Otherwise, it maybe better to go home! This is Taylor's tour! 'I said sternly to her.
'Danny are you defending her?.' Anne looks annoying to me.
'Yes, and I don't like your attitude '. I roll down to the other side of the bed and I decide to take a shower.
'Well then I will stay longer and annoy you both 'I heard Anne saying.
I sighed. And slammed the door from the bathroom behind me.

Taylor POV

Hours later it's almost show time. Danny and his band did their performance and I just took a quick look at them. They were rocking on stage.
Secretly I'm so proud of them.
Now It's my time to shine. Finally!
'Looking good Taylor ' One of my amazing clothes makers said to me.
I turn around in my dressing room.
'It's so good and perfect 'I replied with a smile to him.
'You really did a great job with this and the rest of the outfits 'I said thankful to him.
He smiled.
'That's so good to hear this 'He replied.
Then I hugged him.
'Thank you so much 'I said again.
'Anytime Taylor 'He said.
Then the door from my dressing room went open.
'Taylor it's time! 'I heard a voice saying. 

In the middle of the night, in my dreams
I know I'm gonna be with you
So I take my time
Are you ready for it?

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon