Chapter 30

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Hi guys! I'm back! Here is a new chapter. First, I have to say I have finished NanoWrimo 2023! YAY! Now I can focus on this story. In the meantime, I'm looking for a writing class to learn more about how I can write better stories! 

But now here is a new chapter ...... Enjoy! 


Danny POV

When I dressed up into some jogging pants and a clean black shirt I jumped next to Taylor on the bed. I see her concerned face.
I sighed.
Does she know it?
'Well, what do you want to tell me? 'Taylor asked me then.
'You know Anne ... 'I start.
Taylor nodded.
'Yeah, and? '.
I sighed again.
For a second I was quiet.
Then I started to talk.
'She told me some time ago that she is pregnant with me '.
I look at Taylor.
I see a surprised face.
'Oh god ' She only can say.
'And now? ' She looks at me.
'I don't know ' I shake my head.
'I Don't want this but this is my kid in her belly and... She wants money of course ' I sighed.
Then it was quiet.
Taylor jumped off the bed.
She walks through the hotel room.
But didn't talk.
I don't like this.
'Taylor please say something 'I almost begged her.
Then she stopped walking when she was by the bed.
Taylor looks at me.
'Well I think you should be with her and the kid, the kid needs a dad too ' She said softly.
I can see a few tears in her eyes.
'NO Taylor I want to be with you! I give her money but I don't ... 'I said immediately and jumped out of bed and walked to her and grabbed Taylor's hand.
Luckily she didn't put it away from me yet.

Taylor POV

I already knew this. And I don't like it.
But I don't need drama through this tour.
Danny is looking at me.
With his beautiful eyes and perfect face and....
I sighed.
The Media will be posting a lot about this. And about me.
I don't need negative news.
'Danny I'm hurt because I already knew this through the media 'I said softly.
'Shit You did? 'He looks in shock.
Then he hit his head hard.
'Don't hurt yourself 'I said immediately and grabbed his hand.
'I love you Danny but I need to focus on my tour and my fans ' I said this time a bit calmer.
But still got tears in my eyes.
'I know but please give me time to think about a solution. 'Danny looks at me.
I nodded.
' I will give you time Dan to think about a solution ' I said then.
Then I felt Danny his hand again.
'Thank you Tay I will call in tomorrow 'He promised me.
I nodded again.
I really don't know if this is a great idea or think Danny will find a solution.

The next day I went to rehearsal for tomorrow. Then the reputation tour will continue for the next two days here in Dublin. Me and Danny did our usual things. Waking up in his arms. Having breakfast in our room. Later he went to this band. And I went to the arena to do the soundcheck. Wearing jeans and a black shirt I walked on stage with my microphone. My band is here. My dancers. My background singers are here.
I'm ready to go.... Ready for the soundcheck/rehearsal for tomorrow.
But then I saw a familiar woman in the arena and is coming towards me.
When she came closer I saw it was Anne... Danny his ex.
I froze. What does she want? 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now