Chapter 5

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Danny POV

The next days until Saturday came slowly. We practice with the band in our studio. And hang out afterward with the crew and take a few beers. But now it's already Saturday morning and it's today the biggest day in Dublin. The MTV Awards. I'm so excited and really hoping to meet Taylor. Then suddenly I got a message on my phone. I look at my phone. Then I sighed. It was Katie my ex. I dumped her last month because she was cheating on me with one of my best friends. Well, that guy isn't my best friend anymore. I opened the message and read what she wrote.

Hi Danny,
I see it's MTW awards today. Do you need some company to go there? I would love to join!
X Katie

I shake my head. She got the guts to message me about today. I take a bit of my sandwich and feel the anger again coming into my body. How dare she invite herself for today?
Last month I came back home from a tour and then I found her in bed making love with one of my mates. I was so pissed off and I throw them both out of my house. And I yelled at Katie that I didn't want to talk to her anymore. And that she doesn't send me messages anymore. Until now. Then I decided to call my sister again.
Luckily she picked up her phone immediately.
'Daniel, are you nervous about today? Or do you want some help dressing you up? 'Andi laughed.
I sighed.
'None but Katie just sent me a message a few minutes ago ' I said to her.
'NO WAY? What does she want? You made it clearly last month you don't want to have any contact with her! 'I can hear Andrea her angry on the other side of the line.
I laughed a bit. Andi is also a very protected sister.
But I'm glad she is.
'She wanted to go with me tonight to the MTV Awards 'I replied.
I heard Andi laughing.
'Well that's not going to happen you are with Mark and Glen 'she laughed.
'I know! So I will text her back, I have already company '.
'Good! And then say leave me alone and don't text me or otherwise you can block her.... '.
Blocking is a good idea after I sent her a message.
We talked a bit further about other stuff. Then we hung up and I sent Katie a message. And after that I blocked her. Now it's time to get ready for the big show tonight.
I don't need drama.

Taylor POV

'So and this dress? ' I asked my mum. I turn around in my hotel room wearing a pink glitter dress. The dress is long until my knees.
I see my mother smiling a lot.
'Tay you look amazing in all those dresses, but I love this one! 'My mum said to me with the biggest smile on her face.
'Thanks, Mum and I walk to the mirror and look at myself.
I make a round just in front of the mirror.
'I guess this will be the dress ' I said to my mum and the woman who brought me some dresses for tonight.
'That's good and thank you for wearing our dress ' she said thankfully.
'No problem, and I love to help ' I replied with a smile.
'So I bring the rest of the dresses back and then I regulate someone who helps you with the dress and fixes the last things ' she said to me.
I nodded.
Later this woman left the hotel room and I really can't wait for tonight!

Before I knew I was sitting in the car on my way to the red carpet. I'm always nervous about the red carpet because everyone wants a photo of me. I prefer to perform and see my fans smiling.
'Are you okay Miss Swift? 'the driver said to me.
'Yeah I guess so 'I replied.
In a few minutes, I was quiet and thinking about how this evening will be. Will I be winning an award? Or nothing?
After 5 minutes we arrived at the red carpet and the driver opened my door. I walked out of it and I saw a lot of cameras taking photos.
A lot of flashlights.
'And there she is Miss Taylor Swift '. I see two presenters of the show looking at me.
I smiled and walked slowly to the lads.
They asked me some questions and then I walked inside.

Danny POV

What an experience with a lot of people on the red carpet. Mark, Glen, and I were smiling at those cameras. And then we walked inside. Inside it was a huge room where a few bars were around each corner. Straight ahead is the way into the arena where the show will start.
'So anyone a drink? 'Mark asked me and Glen.
'For me a coke 'Glen replied.
'You Dan Champagne? 'Mark quest.
'Yes you know me 'I laughed.
Me and Glen were walking behind Mark to the bar.
Then I spot a woman in a pink dress.
I only can see her back. But then she turns around.
And then I realize it's her. Taylor.
Then Glen hit me on my arm.
'Dan it's your girl 'he grinned and pointed at Taylor. Taylor just saw me and smiled.
I smiled back.
'So here are the drinks 'Mark said suddenly and he gave me a glass of champagne.
'Thanks, Mark' I smiled at him.
But when I look back Taylor is gone.

Taylor POV

I just saw Danny. What a friendly and handsome guy is. But when I wanted to talk to him I had to go to my place in the arena. I really hope I can talk after the show with him.
Me and my mother are sitting around the table with a few other familiar people I don't know but they are all so nice and kind. We had a good conversation. And I enjoyed it. Not much later the show starts. The show opened with Katy Perry and I like her music. But never met her in person. After Katy, we got a few awards. Beyonce won one award. And some other artists I don't know. But before I knew the award was coming I was nominated for.
'And the best female singer is .... ' I heard the man saying on stage.
My heart is going faster and faster.
The adrenaline is so high right now.
Just people say the name!!
'Taylor SWIFT! ' I heard him saying.
Everyone is watching me. I watch my mum.
She stood up and hugged me.
I can't believe I won! OMG, I WON!
Then my mum noticed me to get on stage.
I jumped almost from my chair and walked to the stage.
I take the little stairs and hope not to fall.
But lucky I didn't.
I received my award and walked to the microphone to say something.
I haven't prepared for it.
I grab the microphone and start to talk.
'Thank you so much for voting for me on this award '.
I start to talk. But then suddenly Kanye West jumped on stage and grabbed my phone out of my hand.
'Sorry Taylor but honestly this award belongs to Beyonce because she is the best woman on this planet '. He said and with those words, I felt like everything was going black.
The floor is gone and he gave the microphone back to me but I see a lot of people laughing. I don't know what to do so I turn around the stage give the microphone back and walk quickly off stage. I need to get out of here! 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now