Chapter 18

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Don't blame me, love made me crazy

If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right

Lord, save me, my drug is my baby

I'll be usin' for the rest of my life

I've been breakin' hearts a long time, and

Toyin' with them older guys

Just playthings for me to use

Something happened for the first time, in

The darkest little paradise

Shakin, pacin', I just need you

For you, I would cross the line

I would waste my time

I would lose my mind

They say, "She's gone too far this time"

Don't blame me, love made me crazy

If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right

Lord, save me, my drug is my baby

I'll be usin' for the rest of my life

Don't blame me, love made me crazy

If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right

Oh, Lord, save me, my drug is my baby

I'll be usin' for the rest of my life

Taylor POV

Wow, it feels so good to be back on the stage again after a few months. And felt so good to be back with the people I love and I also called my family. We sing, we dance. I played on my reputation piano. It was so good. And I guess fans had a great time on stage. After almost 3 hours I ended the show with ' This is Why we Can't have nice things '. I love that song and it really makes me so happy when I sing it.
With a stage elevator, I came down under the stage. I heard above my band still playing.
I turned around and I saw one of the crew members walking to me.
He gave me a hand and I jumped off.
Together walk to the back of the stage.

'You were amazing Taylor ' My manager said to me when I saw her backstage.
I hugged her immediately.
'Thanks, I love it 'I smiled at her.
I turn around and then I see someone coming towards me with a towel and a water bottle.
I grab it and say thank you to the person.
We walked from the stage to my dressing room.
On our way,  I was talking about the start of the tour.
But when I was almost there at my dressing room I saw 4 guys and a girl walking away to the parking.
I want to enter my dressing room but one of the guys notices me.
'Taylor you were great! '.
I smiled.
'Thank you 'I replied back.
But then the other guys and the girl turn around.
I saw immediately Danny and I guess Anne.
She gives me a mean look.
I smiled at them and without any saying I closed my door behind me.

Danny POV

The first night went amazing with the lads on stage. After we did our performance we enjoyed the gig of Taylor. Anne was only on her phone the whole time Taylor was on stage. I was annoyed about that. But I couldn't say it.
After the show, we decided to go back to the hotel. But then Glen noticed Taylor behind us.
When I saw her. And I met her eyes, she only could smile and she disappeared into her dressing room.
'Come Danny you don't need her ' Anne said to me and grabbed my arm.
I only stand still in the hall.
'Danny, are you coming? 'I heard Glen saying also to me. He looks a bit worried to me.
Standing still in the hall.
I realized that I had to talk to Taylor. And I have to do the right thing.
'Wait for a second I'm going to do something 'I said to the lads and to Anne and I started to walk to the dressing room from Taylor.
'DANNY WHERE ARE YOU GOING? 'I heard Anne yelling.
'Are you going to Taylor? Then it's over between us! You don't need her! She is .... '.
'Anne shut up I think you should go back home you making us already pissed off on you 'I heard Glen saying angrily at her.
I grinned.
When I was standing in front of Taylor her dressing room I knocked on her door.

'Yes? ' I heard Taylor saying.
'It's me Danny ' I replied back.
Then I heard nothing.
But not for long.
The door went open and Taylor was standing in the doorway.
Wearing still her last outfit from her gig.
'What do you want? ' She asked me only.
'I want you and I'm so sorry I ...... 'I said to her.
'Danny I don't know if I can trust you with this again.. You promised me 2 days ago that you break... 'Taylor said to me.
But I cut her off to put my lips against hers.
She didn't move yet.
But soon I felt her tongue into mine and she grabbed and threw me almost into her dressing room and closed the door behind me. 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now