Chapter 22

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Taylor POV

After I found out that breaking news about me and Danny I couldn't sleep. I decided to go to the gym downstairs in the hotel. Sometimes when my head is full of things I go to the gym. To do a workout to set my mind off. Or at least trying to let go of some things out of my head. After almost 2 hours it was almost 7 o'clock in the morning and I saw some people were awake in the hotel so I quickly took the elevator back to my hotel room. When I opened my door I heard someone.
'Taylor? Is that you? ' I heard Danny saying.
I sighed. He is just awake and found out that I wasn't there in bed with him.
'Yeah I'm back 'I replied.
Quickly I closed the door and strolled to the bed.
I saw Danny sitting straight in bed and staring at me with his messed short black hair. And having still sleepy eyes. I guess he is just awake.
'Where have you been? And ... 'He said and then he saw my clothes.
'You were to the gym? 'He guessed.
I nodded.
'I couldn't sleep anymore after I read this '. I said to him and walked back to the bed and jumped next to him and showed him later on my phone the breaking news.
When he read it his mouth went wide open.
'Oh god 'He only can say.
'I know! ' I looked a bit scared to him.
'I just want to have this ' I pointed at him and myself.
'to ourselves without someone or media '. Then I sighed.
'I know me too Taylor but we can still do that' Danny said with a smile on his face.
I sighed again.
'I hope so but how? Do you have any idea? ' I asked him.

Danny POV

The rest of the morning we had our breakfast in bed. Taylor isn't relaxed. I try to comfort her in many ways. But it doesn't help a lot. Sadly I couldn't be with her the rest of the day because my bandmates needed me. End of the morning I said goodbye to Taylor and I went downstairs to the main hall. Glen and Mark and Sean, our bodyguard was waiting on me.
'So Danny you have to tell us everything ' Glen said with a grin on his face. After I hugged them all.
'Yeah of course I will tell you everything soon 'I promised. Then I looked outside.
A lot of fans and paparazzi were still outside waiting for Taylor.
'What about them and where are we going? 'I asked.
'We need to rehearse on stage in the arena ' Mark said to me.
Sean was looking outside when he saw a blinded car just standing in front of the hotel.
'Guys let's go 'He said to us.
We all three nodded and followed Sean outside. But when I was outside I heard my name saying and yelling.
'DANNY! Are you really dating Taylor Swift? '
I turned around and I saw a few photographers taking pictures of me.
Glen and Mark were already walking to the car and jumped in.
'Danny come 'I heard Sean saying to me.
I turned around and I walked to the car.
'Don't answer Danny 'Sean said sternly to me.
And I jumped into the car and Sean closed the door behind me. After Sean jumped into the front of the car we drove away from this madness at the hotel.

Taylor POV

After Danny left I was alone in my room for the rest of the day. Watching some series on TV. Ordered some food and drinks in my room. Tomorrow I have to go to the arena for rehearsal but for today it's Danny and his mates' time to do their rehearsal.
When it was almost 5 I heard a knock on my door.
'Who is there? 'I yelled.
I jumped out of bed and walked slowly to the door.
'It's me Demi ' I heard a familiar voice saying.
I sighed relieved.
Quickly I opened the door and I saw Demi standing in front of me.
'OMG I'm so happy you are here, we need to talk 'I said desperately to her. After I hugged her.
I grabbed her arm pushed her almost into my room and closed the door behind me. 

I'm just a girl, Trying to find a place in this world *English story *Where stories live. Discover now