Boring, Ficus-san, just boring

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Anyway, I'm resting. I've started my vacation, it's well deserved, so I'm not complaining. To be honest, sometimes it seems to me that I do not know if I should continue to work further. I mean, it takes a long time, and considering that it's also in the city center, you always have to get through traffic jams and crowds of people. I leave in the morning and come back in the evening or even at night, which is really difficult.

Of course, I have two days off a week and a decent salary, but on the other hand, I spend a lot of effort, time and inner energy trying to earn money. It's not that bad, but I can't spend time with my family at all. Hikari usually sleeps in the morning, and only occasionally can I say goodbye to her before leaving for work, when she wakes up earlier than usual. Of course, I can spend some time with Hiyori in the morning, if she wakes up too, of course, but that's not enough.

Moreover, I feel that by doing so I am causing inconvenience not only to myself, but also to her, and indeed to my entire family. I can't fully immerse myself in being a father, because I only see my daughter fully on Saturday and Sunday, and on the rest of the days she mostly sleeps. Hiyori may almost always be waiting for me from work so that we can fall asleep together, or she could do something for me if I'm unable to do it myself, but this only complicates everything. She's a good, no, the best woman I could ever meet, I really don't want to cause her any inconvenience.

Hmm... maybe I should find another job? Even if the salary is lower, it will probably be better for me and all of us. Although, of course, in the long run, things may not be so rosy. Mmm... I choose between family and the joy of life. It's all compatible, but not in this context. In general, I get so tired that most of the time Hiyori's expectations for us to spend the night together turn out to be hopeless. Lately, for some reason, she wants sex a lot more often than before, and I can't do anything about it, because my job is killing me. It makes me feel a little incompetent.

Although, my dear wife constantly says that everything is fine, and that I shouldn't worry about anything. She is sufficiently satisfied with our usual moments of lust, especially since sex in family relationships is something secondary. Well, I definitely have to do something about it. After all, I also want to spend the night with Hiyori in bed when we are so full of energy, and not only when we have the strength and opportunity to do so.

– You understand me, don't you, Ficus-san?

– ...

Ficus-san is silent, observing the atmosphere of silence. It seems that this plant is really well aware of its right to remain silent. Although this is not so important, since I do not need answers from a plant organism that is constantly being attacked by our cat. Okay, actually, Ice doesn't attack Ficus-san that often, but when it does, all the upper green leaves become much smaller. I think it should harm the plant, but it's still doing well.

Well, that's fine. I left Ficus-san alone because I just have nothing to do. Even talking to myself doesn't help, even if it's only in my mind. Perhaps sleep could have helped me, but I haven't been able to fall asleep recently, just turning over from one side to the other, unable to find a comfortable sleeping position.

– Daddy!

And now I've heard a call from above. My gaze turned to the ceiling. I have never believed in God, but is it possible that the time has come? Can I ask for a new job with a high salary and a free schedule??

– Daddy!

Oh, no. It seems to be Hikari. I'm not taking my prayers back, but now it's clear that they're unlikely to come true. It is a pity that Hikari is not a Goddess, otherwise everything would be much easier.

Anyway, she was sleeping next to me and now she's awake. That's who's definitely good at sleeping. However, there are things that worry me a little bit. Hikari may have already started talking, although it is still scarce, but there is another problem. At her age, children should already be able to walk at least a little, even if it's bad, they should still be able to keep their balance. But Hikari just crawls without getting up on his feet. Of course, it will be easier for her to move around anyway, but I'm still worried.

Hiyori didn't focus on it, but I've been thinking about it for a while. Of course, such cases sometimes happen, and everything turns out to be fine in the end, but also such a development of events may indicate something that none of us will like. It is possible that Hikari is susceptible to some kind of disease, she may have a developmental delay or even some organs are poorly functioning, and maybe some parts of the body.

– I love Daddy!

But I felt a warmth on my chest. My daughter climbed on top of me and tried to hug me. Of course, her little hands weren't big enough and long enough to hug me at least half, but she sincerely tried.

– You're so cute, Hikari.

– Cute. Cute!

Okay, the question about Hikari can wait a while longer, I think. But regarding my work, I do not intend to wait any longer. It's time to look for new jobs. All for the sake of my family and my, no, our peaceful and happy life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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