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(JJ's POV)
We left the place, her hand never leaving her gun that she had holstered so I did the same. I guess Emily was right about the someone is always after her thing and me being a „civilian" leaving with her helped. I mean no one tried to kill us so I call that success. We got into the SUV and met with Emily back at pd. I watched Emily's smile grow wide when she saw her friend and I smiled too.

(Your POV)
I walked up to Emily with a little smirk on my face, „Long time no see, Prentiss." I stack out my hand to her but she didn't take it. „Oh cut the crap, DeLuca." She said and pulled me into a hug.

I reciprocated, that's what I wanted to do from the beginning but I'm no good at this stuff. After my sister died, no screw that, after she was murdered I have trouble getting close to people. It's just not worth it. That's a really long story though, one I've never told anyone.

We talked for a minute and I got on the jet with them. After everyone took their seats I sat next to JJ, Emily opposite from us.

„You sure you're not taking me with you just to lock me up?" I joked.

Emily shrugged and smirked at me, „Haven't decided yet, good thing it's a long flight." She said and I looked at her with a serious face.

„You know you're all on a jet with a mafia boss, two can play that game." I smiled but it wasn't until Emily laughed the rest of them did too. I guess it's too soon?

Anyway we got back to their office and I realized I don't have any place to sleep here, Virginia being FBI's headquarters I didn't really want to risk it. I was looking up hotels when JJ offered I could stay with her for the night. I like her, she's really kind, caring, honest and strong. Something tells me that she also didn't have it easy though, maybe something happened, maybe she'd even understand me because of that. But she doesn't know and I prefer it stays that way.

„Are you sure? I don't wanna intrude." I tell her, after her kind offer.

I know she's not just being nice, she wants me to go but with her but I can't let her too close. It's not for my sake this time, it's for hers.

„Positive, it's just me and my kids in the house. And I could use some help." She smiles, I can tell she's profiled me and knows that I won't refuse to help.

I nod, „Okay, thank you Jennifer." I smile.

"You can call me JJ, all my friends do." She said.
So we're friends now? That was quick.

She pats my shoulder and walks to the elevator. I look to Emily smirking at me when I go over to say goodnight. „Don't." I warn her but she only smiles wider and hugs me.

"Have a good night Chessie," she says. „You to Emily." I smile and go to catch up with JJ.

The car ride is quiet, but it's not awkward, it's comforting. We get to her house and she releases the nanny. Her kids are asleep I think and she's not happy about that. I wonder where her partner is, but it's not my business.

„How about I'll return the favor and make you dinner?" I asked hoping she says yes, I know she doesn't expect anything in return but that's how my world works, if someone does something for you, you owe them. Even if you didn't ask for it.

„You don't have to do that," she smiles „we can just order in." She says, I expected that.

"Okay, what do you wanna order?" I already have a plan. „Pizza?" She asks and I smile. „Pizza it is."

„You go take a shower and I'll call the pizza place." I say smiling and she happily does that. I hope she takes a while.

When she goes upstairs I rush to the kitchen to find the ingredients and I start making the pizza. After I do everything I put the pizza in the oven and go sit on a couch. Just then she walks down the stairs. God she's so beautiful, she has shorts on and a tshirt that's just perfectly too big on her and to top that her wet hair gently falling on her shoulders. Wow. Now I'm staring.

I get up to get the pizza and put it on the table, she's surprised but sits down and smiles at me. Really beautiful smile.

„You did that while I was showering?" She asks me. And I nod.

She thanked me like a hundred times while eating and says it's the best pizza she's ever had. I don't doubt that. I think it's not often that someone does something like this for her and I wonder how that is possible. I'd treat her like a princess if she was mine. But she's not, and she can't be.

„So what's your plan now? I mean you're still the boss right?" She asks. And I wish I had the answer.

„I don't really know." I tell her honestly. „I'm gonna step down of course and my best friend will step up. I don't really know what I'm gonna do after that, I guess I didn't think it through yet." I didn't, and I'm not even sure I will fit into this world. I don't know a different life. Maybe she's my ticket to it?

„We'll figure it out." She smiles. „We?" I wondered.

„Yeah, we. You, me, Emily. Everyone. I realize it must be hard to just switch sides so I will help you."

Switch sides, that's what my sister did and that got her killed. But I know what she means, I really want that.

„Thank you JJ, really. You amaze me you know, I mean to you I'm just some criminal you met yesterday and you let me into your home. Thank you, for trusting me."

„You're not just some criminal Fran, from what Emily told me I know you didn't choose that for yourself. You did what you had to do to survive and I get that. And I'm glad that you decided to turn your life around. You're a good person I can see that. I wanna get to know you better, you know the real you." She smiles.

Something really comforting about what she's saying. And the nickname gave me butterflies. People usually call me by my full name, or just boss. Emily calls me Chessie and so did my sister. I loved when she called me Fran.

Now I'm thinking of all the things I've done. Would she look at me the same if she knew? She probably does know, she's FBI she knows what mafia is about and she seems to be okay with it. I guess maybe she does see me for who I am. But who is that actually? I think I'll find out along with her.

All I know is I want that, I can see myself with her, I know we only met yesterday and I never was one to believe that love at first sight existed. Hell after Emily left and my sister died I didn't believe in it at all. But now I do. And I know that she's it. I hope she feels the same. At the same time I'm conflicted, if she really can move past my past once she knows. I guess we'll see. I trust her.

After we eat we sit on a couch and talk. She sits very closely to me, not that I mind. I guess she's just the type of person who likes physical contact. I don't but with her it's instinctual, I like it. We put a movie on and she's laughing, the most beautiful sound I ever heard. After a while she falls asleep on me, literally on me. Her head is on my chest and my arm around her waist. I sit there not moving for probably an hour before I decide to pick her up. I put her in her bed and decide to go sleep on the couch but when I lean back she's holding onto my shirt. I lean back down and get on her bed, she immediately cuddles up to me and I let her. I just hope she doesn't freak out when she wakes up.

(Song - Labyrinth by Taylor Swift)

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