Happy xmas (war is over)

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It's been a few days since JJ had a girls night with Emily. Today is christmas, I got up early to put presents under the tree. There was already a bunch of them for the kids but I also have some for JJ too.

After I did, I made myself a smoothie and some breakfast for her, I took it upstairs so she could eat before the boys wake up.

I walked in with a tray in my hands, „Oh, hey. You're awake."

„Yeah," she smiled, reaching for the tray, „Thank you."

„You're welcome," I smiled, sitting next to her and drinking my smoothie.

She kissed me, „Marry christmas, baby."

„Mm marry christmas," I said into the kiss.

I pulled away after a few seconds, „You better eat that up before the little rugrats wake up."

She laughed, „Yeah, you're right. What is all that?"

„That's like an Italian christmas breakfast, so you've got two types of fruit bread, panettone and panforte and some pandoro. It's a sweet breakfast so perfect for christmas," I told her, smiling.

She smiled at me widely, „Thank you, really. That's so nice of you."

„It's what we do. Special occasions mean family time for me and that's how we do it over there. Breakfast in the morning as a sign of appreciation," I explained, trying to downplay it a little.

„I love that," she said, „And I love you."

„I love you too, bella."

„Didn't you make any for yourself?" She asked.

„Well, I was going to but I figured you're not gonna eat all that anyway. I always finish after you so we can share. There's some for the boys too." I told her.

She chuckled, „You know me well. You're perfect you know that?"

„I have some idea, yeah," I said and she playfully hit my arm.

„Hey!" I laughed and hit her with a pillow, „It's christmas, be nice."

„Only because this looks delicious," she said and started eating.

We ate our breakfast and we finished just in time, because as soon as we were done our door flew open and two little boys jumped on the bed.

„Momma, mommy there are presents under the tree!" Henry yelled.

I chuckled, „Alright champ, let's go open them."

We got up and they ran so fast they almost knocked the tree over. The wrapping paper was flying around the living room as they were unpacking their gifts.

JJ and I were sitting on the floor watching. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I put my chin on her head.

They got lots of new toys, legos, some new games, paw patrol themed clothes and their own cars that they could drive around our backyard.

I got up to get the gift I got for JJ, „Here, it says those are for you," I smiled.

„Are they now?" She said smiling and began opening them.

I got her a silver, butterfly necklace, a new coffee pot, some clothes she's been looking at for weeks but wouldn't buy them cause they were „too expensive" and a handmade family photo album with little notes for her on every page.

„Fran this is," she shook her head smiling, „wow. Thank you," she said and kissed me.

„You're welcome, baby. I also got you your favorite candy and-„

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