Make you feel my love

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We got on the jet and continued briefing. We started on victimology. Bethany, Chelsea and Ally. Friends, same age and school. Other than that we didn't really have anything so we decided to wait till we get there. I went to sit on the couch in the back where I usually sit and JJ followed.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm not thrilled about this case," she said.

"Are there cases you are thrilled about?" I asked.

"That's not the point," she said.

"I know. Are you gonna see your mother?" I asked?

"I don't know. Maybe, depends how the case goes," she said.

"Fair enough," I said.

"I wanna get a pool," she said.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. It's gonna get hot soon. I wanna get a pool. Laying beside the pool in the sun, then cooling myself in the water," she said, "Will you get me a pool?"

"What's in it for me?" I smirked.

"Well, you could stare at my abs all they," she smirked, "And everything else. And you'll be using the pool too."

"Yeah, you had me at abs," I said.

She chuckled, "God, you're so easy."

"Don't make me regret it now," I said.

"I wouldn't dare," she smiled.

She seemed okay. For now at least. Few minutes later we got information that one of the girls came back. Hopefully she'll be able to help us find the girls and identify the UnSub quickly so we can get this case over with.

When we got there the girl, Ally, told us they were being kept in the forest, they went there on their own but only she was able to come back.

After asking her some questions JJ recognized it as the ghost story that was being told by the kids in the town for years now. She explained everything to us.

"It's the tall man. He supposedly lives in the forest and waits for the kids to come to him. When they do, he holds them hostage and repeatedly stabs them," she said.

I agree it would've been a scary story, if you didn't have to watch your back anywhere you went since you learned how to walk and the first thing you were ever scared of wasn't your own father.

We tried to talk to Ally more after she was moved to the hospital but unfortunately we found out that she suffers from schizophrenia and she wasn't in a condition to help us. We were back to square one.

We had to get some information on the girls so JJ and I went to her old high school to talk to their friends.

„How does it feel? Being back?" I asked while driving.

„Weird," she replied.

I nodded, „Is it worse than you thought?"

She shook her head, „Not really, it's just- never mind." I didn't wanna push her so I didn't say anything else.

At the school JJ found out that Bethany had a secret boyfriend. No one knew who it was and she wouldn't even tell Chelsea so she decided to find out on her own.

She found a piece of jewelry she assumed Bethany got from the boy and she hid it. We told the team and we thought the boyfriend was behind it, wanting to keep his identity hidden.

The team went away to talk to the families leaving Emily standing in front of a whiteboard, JJ sitting on table and me sitting behind her on a chair.

„Okay so let's roll with this for a second," Emily says while pointing to a picture.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now