Invisible string

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Next day we were back at the station and we had a big breakthrough. By we I mean JJ and I. We talked about the case first thing in the morning and immediately drove to the station.

Everyone gathered in a room to listen to our theory. We hang pictures of the victims on our board in a chronological order and JJ started.

"So we know these men were really wealthy. What we didn't know is that they had one particular thing in common besides the obvious," she said.

"And that would be this," I pointed at a pin one of the victims had on his shirt.

"What's that?" Spencer asked.

"Secret association. Long story short, all these men were poor before they joined it. It's like a company, it doesn't really matter," she said.

"What matters is, our UnSub wanted to get in, but he couldn't. He took those victims to get information from them. Then he killed them," I said.

"Why would he kill them if he got the information?" Tara asked.

"Because he didn't get in. Those are classic torture methods, used for interrogation," I said.

"Wet hair and clothes, broken ribs, they all had hypoxia," JJ pointed out.

"Okay, how did you get all this?" David asked.

"She's a mastermind," I smiled.

"I've also been there, done that," JJ shrugged.

"What doesn't kill you makes you aware, right?" I asked.

"Right. So the UnSub is someone who works for that company, but isn't a part of the organization. Great work," Emily said, "Tara and Luke, go check it out."

They did and we were right. We got the guy and were on our way back. The flight was long, but it wasn't bad. I slept through most of it, as did everyone else.

We all went straight home from the jet. The paperwork was left for the next day. JJ and I decided to let the boys stay up longer since it was Friday and Henry didn't have school tomorrow.

We gave them a bath and helped them change into pjs. Then JJ and I's turn, she went first and I went after her. I went to the kitchen and made everyone some pancakes and hot chocolate.

"Here you go," I said placing it all on the table.

"Thank you, mama," Henry and Michael said.

"Thanks, baby," JJ said with a peck on my lips.

We ate and then moved to the floor with our hot chocolate so the kids could play. I saw JJ start fidgeting with the butterfly necklace I gave her.

"You okay?" I asked.

She smiled, "Yeah. I just love our family. Those are the best moments."

"They are," I smiled and moved to sit closer to her.

"Look!" Henry yelled, "I made a big tower."

"Woah," I said, "How'd you do that?"

"I put some block on the floor and then put more block on them and more and more," he explained.

"Mama so silly," Michael said.

JJ and I chuckled, "Thank you both."

"Please, don't ever grow up," JJ whispered to the boys only loud enough so I could hear.

"I wish I'd never grown up," I told her.

"Can I play my drums?" Henry asked.

"No," JJ said at the same time as I said, "Yes."

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now