People help the people

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"I have to fire you," Emily said.

"Fire me?" I scoffed.

"You put the safety of this team in jeopardy. You put us all in danger and you don't even seem to acknowledge it. It's protocol," she said.

"Protocol," I scoffed again, "Since when do you give a damn about protocol, Emily? Please, I promise it's nothing, you read the letter. Please, just give me a chance?"

"Since the alternative is my team being in danger. Do you want what happened to Marcella happen to anyone else?" She asked.

"Oh, so that's what this is about," I said, "Do I remind you of her too much? Do you see her? When you look at me?" I asked, "Or maybe you'd rather her standing here instead of me and I'm just a big reminder that she's gone?"

"Chessie," she started.

"No, don't Chessie me now. Fine, fire me, whatever."

"Francesca!" She raised her voice, "I'm not gonna do it."

"Then what?" I asked.

"I will bench you, for insubordination," she said.

"How is it insubordination? It wasn't on the job," I said.

"Well you know the second option," she said.

"Fine," I said.

"Indefinitely. And effective immediately, which means turn over your gun and your badge."

I scoffed taking my badge out and unholstering my gun. I put them both on her desk and took the piece of paper she gave me.

"You're wrong. I'm glad you're here, Francesca. This is for your own good," she said.

"Being here is what's good for me," I said, "Now they're all gonna hate me when they find out, so I won't have anything to come back to anyway."

I left her office, slamming the door on my way out. Everyone looked at me, I'm pretty sure they heard the whole thing because we weren't exactly subtle about it. I walked down the stairs and was on my way to the elevator. I saw JJ following me so I stopped and turned around to face her.

"Please don't," I said, giving her the paper Emily gave me, that said I was suspended, "Here."

Emily left her office and stood at the top of the stairs, "This is not permanent, Francesca. Go home, think it over."

I looked at her, "It is because I quit. You want me to go home?" I asked and nodded, "I'll go home," I said and left the bullpen.

I did not in fact go home. I didn't feel like being alone right now and JJ couldn't leave with me. I realized I didn't take my things with me so I had to walk. Didn't even take my phone. I walked around the city and found myself in front of Amelia's house, so I walked in.

The door was open but nobody seemed to be home. I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands. I thought for a while and then I decided I wasn't gonna let it ruin my day. I got up and made myself some cereal waiting for Amelia to come back home.

(JJ's POV)

I texted Fran a couple of times but didn't get any answer. I called and that's when I realized she left her phone here. I was scared that she was gonna leave because of the way she said "home". I know her home is with me but I was scared that this time she meant Paris and not me.

I was also so mad. At Emily. I don't understand why she got so upset with her. I understand that she was scared about Fran possibly putting us in danger but she had no business throwing everything back in her face, especially her father when she doesn't know anything about it. I decided to go talk to her.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now