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It's been a few months the now, I got settled in the BAU quickly, everyone was super welcoming. I know it might be too soon to say it and I don't wanna jinx it but I think I've found my people and my place.

Jennifer and I have been living together. It all just feels right, her kids were happy when they heard the news. Everything was perfect.

"JJ? I'm gonna head to Emily's, see how she's doing."

Emily was sick so I figured I'd go check on her, see if she's got food and any medicine she may need.

"Okay," she pecked my lips and I left.

I stopped to pick up some stuff for her on my way and got to her apartment. I let myself in and found her laying on the couch pointing her gun at me.

I put my hands up, "Woah, chill there cowboy. It's just me." She let out a breath she was holding and put her weapon away.

"Then maybe next time let me know when you're about to break into my house, how about that?" She yelled.

I walked in and started unpacking the bags, "Or maybe stop being so paranoid, the world doesn't spin around you, not everyone is out to get you, ya know."

"Oh shut up." She got up to see what I had brought.

"I got you some soup, meds, snacks and liquids. I got you juice cause I know you can't drink water like a normal person." I tell her stocking it up in her cabinets.

"What's with the Emily slander today?" She asked hitting my arm.

I smiled, "It's called love. You want me to go? Cause I'll happily stay away from you and your germs," I smile, knowing the answer already.

"No, no stay. I'm going insane here by myself," she looked at me, "You look like shit by the way."

"Ouch," I put my hand on my chest pretending to be offended.

I haven't been sleeping well these past few days. I got a message from an unknown number that said "really think you could just disappear and no one would find you?"

I didn't know who it was from and I was a little nervous so I was keeping my guards up. But of course no one knew about it.

I looked at her, "You haven't showered in two days, your nose is red, you got black circles under your eyes and I look like shit?" I tried to get the attention off of me.

She chuckled, "You got a point DeLuca. But seriously, something wrong?"

"Nothing serious. Just haven't been sleeping well, the cases are keeping me up sometimes but I'll get over it soon enough."

I could tell she didn't buy that, it was a stupid excuse whatsoever. She knows I wouldn't be affected by them considering what my life looked like before. Fortunately she let it go.

"Yeah I get it." She said.

I sat on her couch and she sat next to me. We put a show on for some background sounds.

"For real now though, how are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Worse than I look," she said,

"Woah, that bad?" I joked and she glared at me, "okay okay, sorry but you practically asked for it. I'm done now."

"You probably shouldn't be here," she told me.

I shrugged, "I wanna keep you company. If I get sick then I get sick. Whatever."

"Thank you," she said smiling.

"You want me to make you something to eat?"

I made her the soup I brought and promised I'd make her pizza later because she wouldn't let it go. I asked JJ if she and the kids wanted pizza too so I made enough pizza dough.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now