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(Your POV)

I don't often show my emotions other than anger or happiness, everything I feel I mask behind those two. You couldn't read me if you tried, the only person that ever could was my sister and she's gone.

This case was hard I'm not gonna lie, I can't understand how someone could do something like that. I watched my sister almost kill herself and then I saw her actually get killed. And that killed me.

And there was that girl, who killed both her sister with not even an inch of remorse.

I felt everything that JJ said. If there was anything I could do to bring my Celie back I wouldn't hesitate for a second. But I need to shake it off for JJ.

We got to the hotel and JJ went straight to bed, I was staying in her room tonight so I could talk to her and keep her company.

I sat on the edge of her side of the bed. "You wanna talk about it now?"

She shook her head and I figured if I want her to open up I need to give her something in return so she knows she can trust me.

"You can't go to sleep with all this still on your mind. How about you tell me and after that I'll tell you about my sister?" I asked, hoping her curiosity would get the best of her. And I was right.

She nodded. "Okay." She sat up leaning against the headboard and I sat next to her on the other side of the bed.

I looked at her. "Whenever you're ready."

She took a deep breath before starting. "I've been getting random waves of flashbacks the last couple days." She looked at me and I nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"The kidnapping." She said quietly, looking at her hands. "I guess the nightmares don't help with that."

"Do you wanna tell me what happened? I know you've told me how you got kidnapped but you never said what actually happened when you were there."

She started picking at her nails and I quickly took her hand in mine. She again took a deep breath and begun telling me how she got beaten, electrocuted, splashed with buckets of water and stuff like that.

I kinda already figured, that's the classic form of torture I've seen. But hearing her talk about it made me sick. I swear if that guy wasn't already dead I'd kill him.

She told me about her baby, that's when her eyes became watery with tears threatening to fall from them. I moved to sit a bit closer and rubbed circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. She looked up at me.

"I'll understand if you don't wanna deal with that." She told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"With me, the flashbacks I mean, the nightmares and everything."

"Are you kidding right now?" I probably should've given her a more reassuring answer but I was surprised by that statement.

She's always so confident and sure about everything and now she looked so small.

"Everyone else does, why wouldn't you?" She asked me.

"Because I told you I'll be here, I'm not gonna switch on you. Not when you're struggling and not when you're thriving, I'm all in here." I said.

Though that last remark might've been too much given we only met like few weeks ago. But I don't care, I mean it.

"What do you mean by everyone else does?"

"First, my sister. I know that's not about me but it sure felt like that." She told me.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now