I know places

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(JJ's POV)

I woke up in the middle of the night not really knowing why. I looked at the time, 2:34am. I look to Fran and she's moving so that's probably what woke me up. I can hear her mumble something over and over but I can't quite catch what it is. When she started saying it louder I got my phone and wrote it down.

"F24M01D19L89" That's what she said. I have no idea what that means but it has to mean something right? If those were just some random numbers she wouldn't be saying it in this precise order every time. I figured I'd ask her about that the next day and tried to go back to sleep.

I was laying there for about twenty minutes trying to fall asleep but I couldn't. It's not like it's the first time I can't sleep at night so I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it but I feel like shit and I often need more attention and affection when I'm sick so I decided to wake Francesca.

(Your POV)

I woke up to JJ gently shaking me awake. I was still half-asleep when I opened my eyes. I looked at her and sat up against the headboard.

"What's wrong JJ?" I whispered rubbing my eyes.

"Nothing," she told me.

"Okay. So why did you wake me up?"

"I just couldn't sleep, I'm sorry," she whispered.

"No, no I'm glad you did. C'mere," I said and pulled her into me, "Do you need anything?"

"Maybe something for my throat? I think that might be why I can't sleep." She told me and I got it for her along with some water. We lied back down and I pulled the covers over us.

"You said something while you were sleeping. Like a code or something?"

"I did? What code?" I asked.

She pulled out her phone and showed me. "What does it mean?"

"Oh um, I don't know. Must've been in my dream, I don't remember."

"Are you sure? You said it multiple times in the same exact order," she pursued.

"I had a dream that someone was holding me hostage for some reason, probably this code. It's nothing it was just a dream," I told her closing my eyes.

"Okay," she said, I don't think she was fully convinced though.

She tried to get closer to me which was pretty much impossible. I noticed she gets more clingy when she's sick and I don't mind.

We were up the whole night, I'd check every once in a while if she was sleeping but she never was so I just stayed up with her. It's 7am right now and she finally managed to fall asleep. I got up to drive Mikey and Henry to school and decided to stop at the BAU to tell Dave that JJ would probably be off for the next couple days. He was acting unit chief since Emily was off too.

When I got to the BAU I saw an envelope on my parking spot. I got out and opened it. Inside was a picture of me and JJ from our date last week. There was a note on the back:

"Is this my replacement? I gotta say she looks nothing like me. You never went for blondes, did your type change or were you just playing me the whole time?"

I looked around and shoved the picture inside a glove box in my car and went inside.   I talked to Rossi and the rest of the team for a while and got back home.

I went to the bedroom and sat on the bed, JJ immediately gripped my shirt and I lowered myself to pull her into me. I held her tight just watching her sleep and thinking.

I couldn't help but think that my perfect bubble was about to burst. I was thinking of how I'd want my life with her to look like and every version of it was amazing. I can't lose her, I need to figure out who's doing this and why. I already had some ideas of who it might be.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now