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Next day I woke up later than I usually do. It was a work day, but we still had a lot of time before we had to leave. JJ was still sleeping and I don't blame her. I would be surprised if the past few days didn't exhaust her.

I turned on my side and watched her. I grabbed a strand of her hair that was on her face and put it behind her ear. She looked so peaceful and relaxed. I just kept looking at her until she woke up. She did about half an hour later.

„Hey," she whispered opening her eyes a little.

„Hi bella," I whispered, „How did you sleep?"

„Good," she smiled, „I proposed to you last night," she giggled.

I chuckled, „You did."

"How did you sleep?" She asked.

"Good," I smiled.

Suddenly her eyes filled with tears and she covered her face with a pillow.

„God," she said, „I'm sorry."

„What for? What just happened?" I asked concerned.

„Nothing," she said shaking her head.

I took the pillow and put it behind me. I sat up and looked at JJ with a soft expression.

„I thought about the moment I proposed and then I remembered why we were on the floor in the first place and it all came back to my mind. I wasn't planning on thinking about it, and crying in the morning for that matter," she said.

„I think you-„ I started but she interrupted me.

„And now all you're gonna think about when you think about our engagement will be me crying before and after and I'll be thinking about that case and it all is just so-„ she continued.

„JJ," I stopped her, putting my hand on hers.

„What?" She asked with a tear falling down her cheek.

I smiled, „You really think that and need me to tell you what I think or you just wanna mope?"

„Both," she sighed, „I just want this memory to be happy for you. And for me."

„It's the happiest memory," I said, „And you know that. But if we're having a pity party then come here," I said opening my arm for her.

„Thank you," she said cuddling into me.

„Now you can cry about the fact that you were crying," I said.

„You're making me sound crazy," she said.

„That's all you," I whispered and kissed her head.

„He put her in his trophy box," she whispered.

„I know," I said softly, rubbing her back.

„What are we gonna tell the team?" She asked.

„About what?" I asked.

„Our engagement. Do you wanna tell them? I wanna tell them, but not right away. Do you wanna tell them?" She asked.

She was all over the place and I was barely following. And we only just woke up. I think it's gonna be that kind of a day. There's probably a lot going on in her head and she doesn't know how to handle it.

„Of course I do. I would tell the whole world if I could just so I could show you off," I smiled.

„You would?" She asked.

„I would and I will," I said getting up from the bed and opened a window.

„Yeah, right," she chuckled.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now