Chasing cars

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Next day we went to work, there was no case, at least for now. So when we got there I went straight to Emily's office. I walked in and sat down opposite from her.

She immediately stood up, „Francesca I-„

I raised my hand in a stop way, „Wait. I'm not mad at you. I get it, everything is fine. I don't care if you kissed her back or-„

„I didn't," she said.

„Okay," I nodded, „I believe you. Now I'm not gonna apologize because I don't think I have anything to apologize for. But I just wanted to tell you that we're good. You and me."

She smiled, „Good, cause I was beginning to think I should just fake my death and leave."

„You have a problem Emily. Faking your death isn't the solution to everything," I smiled.

„No, but it is convenient," she chuckled.

„Yeah I can't argue with that, efficient too."

„Definitely, you should try it sometimes," she told me.

„I'll think about it," I chuckled.

I was about to leave when she stopped me, „Hey uh, so you and JJ. Are you two okay too?"

„Yeah, we're good," I smiled.

„Is she? I mean are we good too? She and I?"

I shrugged, „I think so, you'd have to ask her though."

She nodded, „Do you think we should talk about it?"

„Well if it's something you wanna do then yes."

„I just, isn't it gonna be weird? If we just pretend it never happened," she asked.

„From what she told me, that's what you wanted to do from the beginning," I said.

„I just thought it'd be easier for you guys, I didn't think about how it could affect us."

„Then come over tonight, I'll let her know," I told her and left after she nodded.

I went to my desk and started doing some work. I hate doing paperwork. I got up to get some coffee in hopes it would help.

It was a slow day today so I took my time, everyone was pretty much just slacking off. Me included.

When I actually got to starting doing my job Tara interrupted me.

„Hey, DeLuca?"

I looked up, „Yeah?"

„So you were a mafia member," she started.

„Yeah, can't deny that," I clicked my pen and turned to her, curious to what she wanted to know.

„So you pretty much saw everything, right? Like the bad things, I mean."

„I guess, yeah. But I wouldn't say I saw more than we see on the job here," I told her.

„Okay yeah, but you lived it. That's different," she said.

„Okay," I nodded, „Is there a question in there somewhere?"

„There is actually. After you've seen what you've seen, is there anything that you're scared of?" She asked.

„Of course, but nothing related to the lifestyle," I told her.

„Alright, so what then?"

„I'll tell if you tell," I smiled.

„Alright then. The woods I guess, I don't know why. Always gave me the creeps," she said.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now