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I went to JJ's house to show her my test results. She doesn't even know I've taken the classes, I wanted it to be a surprise.

I open the door to her apartment, she gave me the keys a while back.

„Bella? Are you home?" I yell.

She comes downstairs and gives me a quick kiss, „How many times do I need to tell you not to call me Bella?" She smiles.

„As many as you want, I won't stop. I know you like it," I wink at her.

„I do," she smiles and puts her arms around my neck, I wrap mine around her waist and give her a kiss.

„Come on I wanna show you something," I say after I pull away.

We settled on the couch and I pulled out the paper to show her. I gave it to her and she gasped.

„Oh my god, you passed the test? I'm so proud of you baby," she said and gave me a kiss.

„But when? Why didn't you tell me?" She wanted to know.

„I've started the training course after we got back from that case a few weeks ago, Emily wanted me to try and I thought I'd give it a shot," I tell her smiling.

„That's amazing! But what about going to med school?"

„I still wanna do it, I guess I'll just see where life takes me you know. But I thought it's a great opportunity for me to work with you guys now." I explain.

„Wait you're gonna work with us?" She checked.

„Well yeah, that's kinda the point, I'm starting next week. Is something wrong?" I worried.

„No, no it's perfect, honestly. It's just we never told the team about us and I don't know if I- I don't- I" She started rambling.

I interrupted her, „And we don't have to if you're not ready, I'm fine with that. Whatever you want, it's cool with me Bambina," I reassure her.

„You sure?" She double checked.

„Of course," I kissed her forehead.

It's Tuesday today and the boys are coming back from school soon so JJ started making dinner. She didn't go into work today since there was no paperwork left for her.

After they got home we started eating and planned to take the boys to this new amusement park that opened few days ago.

Unfortunately those plans had to be moved because she got called in on a case. She gathered her things and started calling her nannies but neither one was available at the moment.

„Just go, I'll stay here. You're gonna be late," I tell her.

„Fran I can't just leave them with you, I don't know when I'm gonna be back."

I came up to her putting my hands on her hips, „JJ you can trust me, I'll take care of them," I tried to convince her.

„Oh, baby that's not what I'm worried about, I can't just ask you to stay with them for days," she explains.

„Tesoro you're not asking, I'm offering. We'll be fine I promise," I reassure her and she nods.

„Tesoro, that's a new one," she smiles.

„It is, now go," I kissed her and practically pushed her to the door.

She said bye to her kids and walked out. After she was gone I helped Henry do his homework and clean his room. Mikey tried to help too.

They wanted to play video games so I let them do that for an hour, Jennifer isn't a big fan of them spending too much time on electronics so I made sure they didn't do it for too long. While they were playing I did some laundry for her and cleaned up after dinner.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now