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(JJ's POV)

After I saw Francesca go into Emily's office I knew it wasn't gonna be pretty. I needed to talk to someone. Someone who could tell me it would all be okay, even if it was a straight up lie. I obviously couldn't talk to Emily and Spencer wasn't exactly the best person to talk to about this so I went to Penelope.

We walked to Fran's office and I took a second to gather my thoughts.

"What's wrong JJ?" She asked me.

God I'm so tired of this question.

"There's something I need to talk to you about," I started.

"You can't talk to Francesca?" She asked, "Sorry that came out wrong, I'm always here if you wanna talk sweet-cheeks but you just always talk to her."

"Francesca's not talking to me," I started and closed the door, "because I, kissed Emily."

She looked at me, "You what?"

"And I told her about it."

"You what?" She asked again, but this time her voice was raised.

"We're just getting each other back. What am I supposed to do, lie?" I asked with my voice raised now too.

"No, not lie, but there are times when full disclosure is not the best idea," she tells me.


"Really. Look Jayje, I see where it came from, I think she will too. You need to give her some time," she tells me.

"You do? Because honestly I don't even know. There was nothing behind that kiss I just, uh I," I began to say.

"You were hurting, you were triggered, you didn't know whether your girlfriend would survive and the most important of all, you didn't mean it. I believe she will see that and forgive you. That's what I would've done," she says.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Really." I nodded and thanked her.

Now all I had to do was wait, but do I even have anything to wait for. I'm so scared I just lost the love of my life. I'm not afraid to say it anymore, she is it. But now it might be too late. She can't even look at me.

I just saw her leave the headquarters. What if she doesn't come back and that's the last time I saw her? It wouldn't be a first time for her. She said she would never do that to me though. And I trust her.

She once told me she'd always come back, even if we yelled and fought, she'd always come back. I know when she said it she didn't mean I could just cheat on her and she'd stay by my side every time. But I'm hoping for at least a conversation, so I can explain as best as I can.

I'll never do anything like this again, I don't know what came over me. I'm just hoping she comes back. She never broke one promise so I hope she keeps that one. She will, right?

(Your POV)

I went to Amelia's house and sat on the counter while she was making coffee.

"So what's been going with you?" I asked.

"Uh you know, got a great job, great girl. Everything is going pretty good," she smiled.

"Girl you say? Can't say I didn't see that coming."

She chuckled, "Yup. Her name is Arizona. But not like the state, like the ship."

I nodded, "Got it."

Just then I heard crying from the other room.

"What's that?" I asked concerned.

She laughed and went there. Came back holding a baby boy. A smile formed on my face.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now