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(Your POV)
It's been some time since I got to Virginia now. I've officially stepped down. I have no idea what I'm gonna do now but I guess I'll figure it out soon enough.

Everything's been pretty good so far and I'm starting to like it here, JJ being the main reason. I'm trying to push all my thoughts away. I'm gonna be all in and let her decide if she's ready for that or not.

Usually I'd be running by now but she's special and I don't wanna play hot and cold with her. She's been nothing but great to me and I plan on doing the same.

I was just on my morning run when I got a call from Emily.

"Hey, you busy for the next few days?" she asked me.

"If you consider watching tv all day then yeah, very. Why what do you need?"

"Well, I was hoping you could join us in on a case?" Emily suggested.

"Oh, well uh yeah, sure. But why?" I wanted to know.

"Two reasons, one being you might give us some insight. And the second, well I think you'll figure it out on your own." She told me. No need being so secretive Emily.

"What inside? Is it mafia related?" I checked.

"Not exactly. We'll brief you on the jet if you're in."

"Sure I'll be right there." I hung up and got back home to get ready.

On the jet I sat opposite from JJ, I could tell everyone was surprised to see me there but no one said anything.

"Alright my fine crime fighters, so we've got three missing girls, sisters at that. Two of them are twins Ashley and Shay Tucker, sixteen years old and their older sister Katie, nineteen years old." Garcia informed us.

I don't get why I'm needed here but I think Emily might have something in her mind.

"All disappeared two days ago at approximately 10pm." Rossi added.

"Are we sure they didn't just run away together? Went to a party or something I don't know." Tara thought out loud.

"I have to agree here, they're sisters and disappeared at the same time? It'd be hard for an UnSub to control three victims at once." Luke pitched in.

"All their phones were left in their rooms and nothing else seems to be missing besides the poor girls." Garcia responded.

"That does sound very unlikely, for three teenagers to go out without a phone." Tara nodded.

"Well blitz attack in not an option, but they could've been drugged." Matt noticed.

"Alright, when we get there JJ I'm gonna need you to use your media liaison skills to hold a press conference, we don't have much to go on from here so let's hope the public helps. We'll gather what we have and we'll go from there." Emily informed, everyone nodded.

I sat next to JJ on the couch as she looked out the window away from others.

"Hey, you okay? You've been pretty quiet there." I asked her.

"You were too." She smiled a little avoiding the question.

"Yeah but I don't even know why I'm here. It's not my place. What's up?" I took her hand.

"Nothing I'm just tired." She smiled softly again. The perfect excuse.

"Nightmares again?" I asked quietly not knowing if anyone else was aware of that.

She shook her head. "Michael decided he didn't need sleep last night." She told me. I figured it was only partly the truth but I went with it.

"It's a long flight, you can get some sleep now." I smiled and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now