Ordinary people

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Few days went by and I could tell Jennifer was watching me closely so I tried to act as normal as possible because it made me self conscious. But you know how it is, if you try to act normal it always end up being the other way around.

I've gotten a couple more of those weird letters, no pictures just letters all in the same context. They weren't really threats, more like warnings I guess. I was closer to figuring out who they might be from and it all started to slowly make sense in my head I just didn't know the reason behind it all.

The closer I was getting the more JJ was worried, but I don't think she's worried for the right reasons. She doesn't ask me about it anymore, she just questions everything I do and as much as I don't like it I know I owe her at least that.

I just got back home, "I'm back!"

She came downstairs, "Where were you?"

I sighed, "Doctors appointment for the office, I told you about it this morning."

"And where'd you go after that?" She asked.

"I met up with a friend."

"What friend?"

"His name is Federico. He's the one that took over the business. JJ what is this about?" I asked her.

"Well you tell me you have a doctors appointment and then I see you're in the other side of the city. And now you suddenly hang out with some friend which you didn't tell me about. What, are you going back to your past life?!" She practically yelled in my face.

"You know that I'm not, just because I walked away from it doesn't mean I'm gonna just abandon my best friend. And it also wasn't planned. We ran into each other," I explain myself.

"Right," she scoffs.

"What is that supposed to mean? Wait, what do you mean you see I'm in the other side of the city? Did you follow me?" I just now realized what she had said.

"I- No I did not," she said but I could tell it wasn't the whole story.

"Then what did you mean?"

"Garcia checked your location. I asked her to," she said I think understanding it's not exactly fair on her part.

"JJ I can understand your uncertainty cause yeah, maybe I have been acting weird lately I know that. But I've never once lied to you, I haven't given you one reason to doubt me. I can answer all your questions, I can reassure you a million times if I need to but I will not have you control me," I exclaimed calmly, even though I was mad.

I know that her past relationships are the cause of that behavior but she doesn't have a reason not to trust me and I need her to see that.

She didn't reply to that so I put my beanie on and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" She asked worriedly not knowing if she could ask.

"On a run," I opened the door but stopped and turned to her, "I love you," with that I closed the door and left.

Honestly I was more mad at myself than her, because even though I was still the same with her meaning I was still as affectionate and as engaged as I was before, that didn't change. I still might've freaked her out with all the scheming and hiding the letters when she came into the room. I thought she didn't notice any of that but who was I kidding? She's a profiler, of course she noticed.

(JJ's POV)

After Francesca left I didn't know what to do. She's gone and it's my fault. I sent her a couple of messages apologizing but she hasn't replied. I decided to call the one person who could help me figure out my next move.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now