All of me

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Next day we were pretty much in the same place. Nothing new came up and we knew that the only way to figure this out was through JJ. We didn't wanna do it so we kept going back and forth, but nothing worked. It had to be done.

JJ disappeared somewhere and we all decided to give her a little space before we did the interview, but we still had a girl to find. We had to act quickly.

Emily pulled me to the side and asked, "Can you find JJ and do a cognitive on her?"

"Me? Why me? Is that a good idea?" I asked.

"It'll be hard, for both of you. For you because you're gonna have to keep going no matter how uncomfortable it may be for either of you, you need to get it out of her. But it has to be someone she trusts," she tells me.

"Okay yeah. If you think that's what's best," I said.

"It'll be easier for her if it's you. She knows you're safe. The question is, can you do it?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course. Don't worry about me," I said.

I went to find her. She was sitting in a chair, her knees to her chest and looking at the necklace. I noticed Rossi standing opposite from her so I walked into the room and sat next to her not saying anything.

She looked up at me, "Emily send you in here?"

I shook my head, "Yes and no. I need to talk to you," I said shooting Rossi a look.

Rossi nodded and looked at her, "You know of all the profilers I've worked with, you've grown the most."

She looked up at him so he continued, "From communications liaison to mother, to profiler. It's been a privilege to watch."

Her eyes got watery but she gave him a small genuine smile, "Thank you."

"Oh I'm not done," he says "Because now you have to do the hard work."

He looked at me and I nodded, "Thanks," I said patting his shoulder on his way out.

I looked at her, "If this UnSub was in Roslyn's life, he was also in yours. And you're gonna have to dig into your memories to find him."

More tears welled up in her eyes, she started fidgeting with the necklace and looked away.

She took a breath, a tear falling on her cheek, "Will you come with me?"

"Every step of the way," I say confidently and get up from my chair.

I sat in hers shifting her so she sat sideways on my lap, her head on my chest and my arms around her.

"Now you can have a moment, after that we'll get to work," I said.

She nodded sighing, getting the courage to do it and I held her, drawing shapes on her arm. We sat there like that for three minutes before we had to start the cognitive.

I got up and sat opposite from her. She looked at me with those sad blue eyes. Emily said it was gonna be hard, but I didn't know it would be this hard. And I'm not the one having to relive this.

"Ready?" I asked and she nodded, "Alright, you're eleven, that's a fun age."

"Yeah," she says softly.

"What was going on?" I asked.

"My parents weren't doing well. There was a lot of fighting," she said shaking her head.

"Did that contribute to Roslyn's depression?" I checked.

Jennifer nodded, "It did. But she'd always make time for me."

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now