Chapter 1

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The icy Chicago weather nipped at his neck as Nick watched his target from across the street. Night had fallen leaving him in shadows as he watched the pudgy, middle aged man at his desk. This job sucked, Nick thought to himself as he shoved his hands further into the pockets of his jacket.

Two days he had watched over this man without his knowledge, two days of freezing his ass off in this snowy version of hell. All because his woman was scared for his life. Sophia had noticed the tension between her husband and his coworkers.

The random hours when he would show up at home and jump whenever there was a knock on their door. She had first guessed that he was just stressed over the long case he had been working on but when the case was over his odd behavior only got worse, she began to suspect something else.

When private phone calls began coming in, she would answer and they would hang up. One day she had come home from shopping to her husband having a heated argument with someone on the phone, when she asked him about it he shrugged it off and left the house.Two days later she noticed a gun hiding in between the mattresses when she was changing their sheets at this discovery she had had enough.

She had gone to a very well respected family friend who suggested that she call him. Jason however had taken that call and dug into the pudgy mans past. Turns out the case he had been working on was supposed to have been dismissed due to lack of evidence but more and more evidence kept coming in from the prosecutors side. The people the defendant worked for weren't very pleased with the proceedings and wanted the lawyer to do something about it.

However the lawyers hands had been tied, there was nothing that could be done missing evidence would only have incriminated the defendant further. The trial had gone through and the young man had been convicted to 10 years in prison, several of the jury members had recently gone missing and Jason knew it was only a matter of time before the lawyer went missing as well. So here he was freezing his ass off waiting for the lowly gang members to show up.

Gritting his teeth he glanced down the street, glancing at the tourist and locals moving from place to place along the street. Keeping his eyes open and watching as cars moved slowly along and narrowing his eyes as one in particular moved fairly slowly past the lawyers office. Glancing at the make and model he quickly memorized the plates as it moved further up the street.

Straightening from the building he currently leaned on he stretched his tired muscles and reached for his phone as it began buzzing in his pocket.

Checking the caller ID, he pressed accept and placed the phone to his ear. "Nick." He grunted at the caller.

"You've been MIA Nick, what's the status?" Jason replied easily ignoring his bosses surly attitude.

"90JUI8, escalade black." He growled at his employee ignoring the young mans question. He waited as he heard rapid typing on the other end, growing impatient.

"Unregistered," Jason replied. Nick grunted in response before hanging up. Jason had worked for him for nearly 5 years, he was one of few people that he trust at his back and one of the only people who knew what he really did for a living.

Thinking back, Nick had just stepped into a bar near his home, when Jason had been slung into him causing them both to go tumbling to the floor. Shoving the youngster off of him, he began to growl at him when he noticed the big burly guy heading their way.

Glancing back down at Jason he noticed the young kids busted up face and instantly saw red. Jason weighed maybe a 120 pounds and that was soaking wet, compared to the hairy gorilla nearing them who must have weighed in at 250 pounds easily.

He had stepped between Jason and the gorilla, when the guy reached him he tried shoving Nick out of the way but Nick held his ground. Taking a swing at Nick he shoved the mans hand aside and slammed a fist into the mans face, taking him by surprise Nick shoved his head against the nearest table and pulled his gun.

"Leave him be or ill blow your brains across this table." He whispered into the guys ear. The guy began to shake under Nick's grip and held his hands out in a surrendering gesture. Nick reached into the mans back pocket and pulled out the wallet he found there, tossing it on the table open for the man to see.

"I know who you are, where you live and in a matter of minutes i will know every single person in your life that means anything to you. Take this warning, go near the kid again and you will regret it."

He waited for the other man to respond and when he nodded Nick pressed the barrel harder into his head before he pulled away. The gorilla fled the bar with two other men hot on his heels, Nick glanced around at the remaining patrons, "You saw nothing." No one moved until an older man stepped forward and extended his hand to Nick.

"Your a good man," frowning Nick shook the gentlemen's hand and glanced around as the patrons began a slow applause. Nodding at them Nick went to the kid who was still sprawled on the floor, eyes watching every move Nick made.

"You need to see a doctor," he grumbled as he tilted the kids head towards him, when he touched a rather nasty looking wound the kid yelped before passing out on the floor. Sighing, he lifted him up on his shoulder and carried him to his house where he tended his wounds.

Since then Jason had been by his side, telling him that he wanted to be there for him, like Nick had been there for him. So now he was his partner dealing with his clients when Nick didn't want to be bothered. He hated talking and sometimes his clients didn't know when the hell to shut up.

Shaking away the memory, he glanced around the area again, his eyes landed on the same black escalade idling a couple blocks down. Grinning at the sight he palmed the glock 19 at his side. Maybe tonight he would be able to get the hell out of here and head back home.

Stepping from the shadows he made his way away from the vehicle and down a block before moving across the street with a group of tourists. Breaking from the group he made his way back up towards the lawyers office.

Keeping to the shadows and away from the dim lighting of the street lamps he made his way to the alley next to the lawyers building. He knew the pudgy man wouldn't be leaving for another hour so he rested his hip against the cold wall and waited.

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