Chapter 40

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I walked to the address she had handed me, I shouldn't even be doing this with everything going on but she intrigued me to no end.

I had been thinking about her since she showed up and demanded I take her out. Bellmay wouldn't let it rest either, having overheard our conversation or more like her demanding, he said it was a fabulous idea.

The club was almost repaired, Jace had been busting everyone's balls to get the club in order. The remodeling group was working around the clock to get it back in shape, working a day crew and night crew.

The walls and ceiling had been repaired, the floors ripped out and redone. Mainly the bar needed to be rebuilt, the walls painted and chairs and tables needed to be replaced.

I called in a couple of favors and had a new security system being delivered but it wouldn't be here for a couple of days. After what happened at the club, we needed more safety precautions than before.

Bellamy and Jace decided that I was to be in charge of that, with my tech savvy instincts they figured it would be better than hiring someone. Metal detectors were being placed at the front door, allowing others to walk in the back carrying their weapons for the club and other business.

I was also installing motion detectors, for when the club was shut down. If someone managed to sneak in, they we would be silently alerted to their arrival.

Cameras would be installed, the same as before but also secret cameras that rotated the expanse of the club, the hallway, the back room and the back alley. If someone got the jump on anyone again, they wouldn't be able to hide their face from us again.

Bell and Jace didn't know about this last part, I'm sure they would agree that it was necessary. In the event that someone attacked Claire or another member again. Whoever was in the control room would be able to press a single button, to cause metal bars to shoot down from the ceiling cutting off any escape route they may have.

The front entrance, the hallway and the back door would have it. Starting tomorrow morning, I was going to make the club the best safe house anyone ever had.

I stood in front of the apartment building and stared at the windows lit up from all the people in their homes. I started up the stairs and paused what the hell was I doing?

I shouldn't be here, I should be back at the club helping them with whatever they needed. Turning on my heel, I walked back from where I came.

"What the hell?" Bellamy demanded the moment I entered the club. "That was a short date. She didn't approve of your attire?"

I looked down at my suit and shrugged making my way to the bar. I reached down and grabbed the whiskey we had hidden there and tipped the bottle letting the liquid burn my throat as it went down.

"Seriously, why are you here?" He asked moving to stand before me.

I just looked at him before taking another swig from the bottle, that woman had no place going somewhere with me. She deserved far better than the life I could offer her, innocent people were killed just days ago.

She could end up being one if she were seen with me, even if it was only one time. By now I'm sure, that Stephano knew I was back in the fold. Some of the men that were here the other night would have seen my face, they would have known immediately who I was.

Sighing in disgust, with the situation and myself, I set the bottle down. I left years ago and now I'm back, things may be different but for me they would always be the same.

Meaningless death, chaos and destruction. Secret deals, dirty cash, the fight for power. It was all just a waste, despite wanting to help Nick part of me wished that I would have never come back.

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