Chapter 19

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Once she was finished washing my back, she held out the wash cloth so I could get to washing my cock. I expected her to turn away but she didn't, she simply waited til I was done before helping me stand.

She bent down and turned on the spray before stepping back and allowing the water to wash away the soap. I went to grab the shampoo but she beat me too it.

"Here let me," I didn't argue. I just let her do what she wanted as I stood there. The truth was the feeling of her fingers touching my head helped sooth the achy feeling and the headache I felt rising. I felt a slight push on my head and turned towards the water to rinse out the shampoo.

Once that was done she turned off the shower and took my hand and leaned into my side as I stepped out of the shower. I reached for the towel but like before she got to it before me and began drying me off. When I was dried she grabbed my boxers and kneeled down to help me get them on.

Once they were in place she put her arm around my waist and led me into my room and eased me into bed. I couldn't help but ask her, "why are you helping me?" I questioned as she straightened my pillows so I could sit up.

"Because," she murmured but I could tell by the tone of her voice that I shouldn't push the matter. If I was my normal self I would have enjoyed watching her squirm as I railed her with questions but I didn't have the energy.

"Here, eat something." I lifted my hands as she brought a tray over and sat it on my lap. Lifting the lid I took in the pot roast and all the fixings, taking a bite of potato I closed my eyes at the taste. Whoever cooks their food was a god send, the way it melted in your mouth was just amazing.

"Thank you," I whispered to her as I watched her walk back to the table. She turned and nodded at me before she sat down and fiddled with her phone.

I took my time eating, taking small sips of water and enjoying the comfortable silence that stretched between us. Once I was finished she moved from her seat and took the tray. Giving me more pills, I took them and set the water back on the night stand.

"Get some more rest, I'll check on you later," she told me as she strapped on her head set and grabbed the tray before slipping out the door.

I was too tired to question why she was acting like this but to be honest we didn't know each other that well, so didn't know how she acted outside of the weekend we spent together.

She was part of the mob, so she knew how to take care of people but I just didn't know why she was taking care of me.

Turning my thoughts off I surrendered to the sleep I desperately needed.

I woke the following morning to hushed voices in my room, opening my eyes and turning towards the two idiots that sat at my table.

"Oh look sleeping beauty is awake," I narrowed my eyes at Bellamy as he stood and made his way to my side.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as his eyes raked over my face.

"Fine," I mumbled. Sitting up in the bed and resting my back against the head board.

"What happened?" Jace asked as he joined Bellamy. "Did you see who it was?"

"I checked on the guard as I went into the back room, when I was sure he was alive I noticed the back door we was ajar. I pushed it open and glanced about but I didn't see anyone when I turned to look down the other way someone hit me from behind."

"I heard you calling through the ear piece and I think he could hear you to, because he leaned down and whispered, she will be mine, soon enough. Before he hit me again."

"I wasn't able to get a good look at him, when he hit me I was close to blacking out. Black spots dotted my vision making it difficult to concentrate on anything."

I watched their reactions, anger prominent but something else was going on.

"What is it?" I questioned them harshly.

"This may be more complicated than we originally thought," Bellamy murmured. I could see the wheels tuning in his head.

"Why would someone want her, that bad? Is it because she is your woman?" I asked, that was the only thing that I could think of.

I watched them share a look before turning back to me, "Claire and I are not together." He said as he raised is fingers in a quoting motion.

I frowned at him, "I saw her walk into your room the other night."

"Yeah you did but she didn't stay, Claire and I don't have that kind of relationship." He smirked as his words sunk in.

"You said she was important to you," I accused.

"Yes I did and she is important to me. She is important to both of us." He waved a hand between Jace and himself.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"We all grew up together, we are all cousins." I raised my eyebrows at the realization.

"Oh," I whispered.

"Told you," Jace nudged Bellmay.

"Told you what?" I asked looking at them suspiciously.

"That's for us to know and for you to figure out. By the way Claire may be catching on to the reason as to why we hired you. Do try to not let her find out, I don't want a loose cannon going off in the middle of this mess we are in." Bellamy responded before walking to the door.

"Breakfast is on the way, we will see you downstairs when your ready." Jace said as he patted my shoulder and followed Bellmay through the door.

"Cousins," I whispered. "Fucking cousins, this changes everything."

Getting up from the bed I showered and dressed, walking from the bathroom I paused mid stride when I noticed Claire sitting at the table in my room.

"Glad to see you up and about," she said. She motioned for me to sit and pushed a plate of food towards my seat. "Sit, eat, we need to talk."

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