Chapter 10

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"Pleasure to meet you Nick," she murmured as two drinks were placed in front of us. We sat in comfortable silence before she turned and asked, "what brings you here?"

"Work," I responded not going into detail. "You?"

"Inheritance," she whispered her eyes growing sad before she tilted her glass and downed her drink.

"I'm sorry," I told her.

"It's alright, I saw it coming but when something like that happens you can't really prepare, you know?" She whispered staring into her empty glass before motioning for another.

"Yes, I know." Something in my voice caused her to turn her head and stare into my eyes.

"I suppose you do," she said as her eyes flickered over my face. The way she said it wasn't sarcastic nor meant to probe, just in silent understanding that I knew what she was going through.

We stayed at the bar well into the early hours of the morning, making small talk and just enjoying each others company. Unfortunately, my time had come way too soon and part of me didn't want to leave this raven haired beauty.

"I'm sorry to do this but I have to get going. My plane leaves in an hour," I told her my hand reaching towards hers and squeezing it gently before rising from my seat.

"It was truly a pleasure to meet you, Alex." I whispered before kissing her cheek and leaving her at the bar.

Every step I took was harder than the last, I didn't want to leave but I had no choice. Getting into the elevator, I pressed the button for my floor and leaned against the wall as my mind raced over the last few hours.

Stepping from the elevator I made my way to my room, I fought the urge to turn around and head back down stairs, back down to her.

"Claire?" My attention was brought back to the present as Bellamy called for her attention. I ceased to breathe as she turned around her head bent looking at a clip board before looking up.

Her eyes found Bellamy and nodded before moving to Jace and then her eyes settled on me. Something flickered in her gaze but she just went back to looking at her clip board.

She didn't acknowledge me in anyway, nothing in her movements or her eyes showed that she even remembered me and I found my heart still at the thought.

10 years of waiting and this is what I get. Nothing. I scowled at her but didn't comment, pretending indifference I focused on the men bringing in the boxes.

"Claire," Bellamy called for her again.

"Slightly busy," she responded and checked off a couple more boxes.

I watched Bellamy clench is jaw and had to hide my smirk, she was still a little spit fire.

"This is Nick, he will be a new guard. Jace and I are leaving the club, please play nice." He muttered and turned to leave.

"Can I speak with you?" She asked turning her full attention to him.

I watched silently as they moved a few feet away and began to argue in hushed tones. I smiled when she threw her hands up and stalked back to the truck.

"Nick?" Bellamy called and I made my way past her to him.

"Look, she doesn't know why you are here so let's keep it that way. As far as she knows your another guard to help with the place when we leave." I nodded in understanding but was curious as to why we had to hide it.

"Fine." I stated simply.

"Take this," he handed me a head set with a radio attached. "You will be able to keep tabs on her and the other guards, if something goes wrong you will be able to call for back up with this."

Nodding I attached the radio and the head set and walked back to where she was standing keeping at least 4 feet away.

With a nod Jace and Bellamy left, leaving me alone with the woman who had been haunting my dreams for the past 10 years.

I watched everyone who came and went, the deliveries and meetings she attended. I was here to do a job, nothing more and nothing less. She was never out of my line of vision, she never spoke directly to me and I didn't feel the need to speak to her.

The silence was deafening, as I watched her actively ignore my presence. As the day dragged on into the night, I found myself watching the club with her. We had only been on the floor for an hour when two men came through the doors, I noticed a sudden change in her demeanor at their appearance.

They were roughly 6 feet in height and solidly built. One wore a ball cap in blue jeans and a t-shirt, the other wore slacks and a button up. I stepped in closer making sure that I was there in case there was an issue.

I could tell by her posture that these two didn't sit well with her but I couldn't fathom as to why. They walked in looked around, there eyes never strayed to where we were standing.

They playfully shoved at each other before walking to the nearest poker table and sitting down. The one with the ball cap waved over a waitress who took their orders and moved along the table.

Shifting my gaze back to her I noticed at her attention was still on the men, "Nick."

They way her voice flowed over me made me instantly hard, making sure not to move I responded with, "yes ma'am?" If my eyes hadn't been glued to her back I would have missed the slight shiver that my words caused.

"Please keep an eye on those two, I need to head up stairs I will be right back." I clenched my jaw, she wasn't supposed to leave my sight until Jace and Bellamy got back.

I opened my mouth to respond when I caught sight of Bellamy near the elevator. "Yes ma'am," I told her as I nodded at Bellamy.

When she moved to the elevator I turned and noticed Jace standing about 5 feet away. I moved closer to him while keeping my eyes on the two men at the table.

"You did good today," he commented his eyes scanning the room. "No incidents?"

"No, no suspicions either." I replied as I watched one of the men slip a card beneath the table to his friend. "Their cheating."

"Yeah I saw that." Jace said as he reached for the mic. "Table 1 has players." He dropped the mic and spoke directly to me, "keep an eye on them, we don't want them knowing we are on to them."

"Why what's going on?" I questioned.

"They weren't settle about the trade of hands, the way they dressed one would assume regular men out for fun. If you look closely they are scanning the room, we want to know what they are really here for."

My eyes narrowed at his words, I hadn't really been paying a whole lot of attention. I was too preoccupied watching Claire. Giving the men a once over I noticed a slight bulge to the one with the ball caps side.

The one in the button up, shifted up to re-stack his chips and I noticed he was packing as well. They both had indents from what appeared to be wedding rings and the way they were scanning the room meant only one thing.

"Their cops," I whispered to Jace.

I watched his stunned face swing to mine before whispering in a harsh tone, "what?"

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