Chapter 7

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I watched Bellamy take a seat along with the blonde haired one he walked in with, the other stayed standing.

"Why am I here?" I demanded my eyes watching their every move.

I felt the man leaning against the wall move and before he could do anything I grabbed his gun before slamming the butt into his face. Pointing the gun at Bellamy, the guy behind them started to move.

Bellamy tilted his head towards the guard and raised his hand causing the guy to relax his pose.

"Relax, Mr. Gerard. We are only here to discuss matters." Bellamy stated.

I didn't waver, didn't lower the gun, I simply raised my eye brow and waited.

Bellamy examined me and leaned over to the blonde whispering something in his ear before leaning back.

"Mr. Gerard, we know your brother has been stealing money from our clubs for some time. However, this is something that we can over look if.." he leaned back hands resting on the table.

"If you were willing to help us." He concluded.

"And why would I do that?" I asked.

"To save your brother of course." He stated simply.

"I don't want to be wrapped up in your affairs. I have the money and this can be settled with one simple phone call. Why call me here?" Curiosity getting the better of me.

"I know quite well who you are and what your capable of. You clients speak very highly of you and your skill set. You never back out of a deal and are quite trust worthy, something that our delicate situation could use."

"Your deadly without a weapon, even more so with one. Your services are top notch and we need some assistance, so if you would please put the weapon down and sit we can discuss this further."

I watched for lies in the wording that he spoke but everything rung true. Sighing I held up the gun and my other hand out in a non threatening manner and moved to sit at the table.

"You may leave us," Bellamy said is gaze never leaving me. I watched as the two guards left but the blonde at the table remained.

"This is Jace," Bellamy stated nodding in the blonde man's direction. I eyed what I could see of him and knew that he was someone of importance.

"Now that we are alone, let me just say this is is a very delicate situation." Bellamy leaned forward resting his elbows on the table.

"We have a leak in our structured system, one that we," he gestured between himself and Jace. "Cannot apprehend due to the inability to focus our time."

"We would like for you to work for us until we can find the mole." He stated simply.

"Work as what?" I asked.

"A bodyguard." I raised my eyebrow at him in silent question, he seemed to be dancing around and only giving me half truths.

"Look, we need you to guard a woman. Due to the threat that we have in our own house we cannot leave her unprotected, if she is hurt or captured that won't go well for us," Jace said cutting straight to it.

"She means a lot to our world and we cannot keep looking half into our troubles when we also need her protected. She knows too much and the people out to hurt us will hurt her to get that information."

"We need to concentrate our efforts to capture the leak while having someone we know is trust worthy protecting her."

"Why me? I'm sure with your contacts you have others that you know and trust that could offer the same protection." I exclaimed.

"Unfortunately that is not the case, as far as we can tell several men in our employ have leaked information, vital information. So we need an outside source, one who is not connected to us in anyway and is comfortable in his own fortunes that cannot be bought." Bellamy stated.

"Your the mafia boss, threaten them and it will end." I snapped.

I watched him smirk but didn't comment on my statement.

"We have tried measures that are in our control but with our time divided we cannot put our full attention in this matter. That is why we need you." Jace said the annoyance evident in his voice.

"If I say no?" I questioned.

"Then you say no," Jace stated simply.

"And what of my brother?" I questioned.

"He will be dealt with," Bellamy said.

Narrowing my eyes at them, wanting to just kill them now and be done with it rushed through my system.

"I'm glad you see things our way," Jace said with a small smirk on his face.

"I never agreed to anything," I growled. Knowing that I had in fact agreed to their terms knowing that my brothers life was on the line.

"Yes you did, we will need you to start now. Please follow us." I raised to my feet and followed behind the two men toward an elevator seated at the back of the room.

Once we were all in the elevator, Jace pushed the button for the second floor. Following them out the doors we walked down a long hallway before they stopped in front of a room.

"This will be your room," Bellamy stated as he walked inside. "The closet has suits that we would like you to wear for the duration of your stay. Shower, in an hour we will deliver breakfast and afterwards we will take you to your charge." With that the two men left the room.

Running my hands down my face I glanced about the room, a king size bed, flat screen tv, bathroom off to the other side. Sighing I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Jason.

"Ah, see your still breathing," he stated.

Choosing to ignore his stupidity I asked, "How is Jeremy?"

"Pissed, but I'm sure you already knew that." He replied easily. "So how did the meeting go? Is everything settled?" He asked seriousness creeping into his tone.

"They want me to work for them, they are cleaning house and need a bodyguard. Someone not connected to them in anyway, that takes their job seriously." I could hear Jason snort across the line and growled at him.

"Uh huh, so basically they used Jeremy as a pawn to get to you and force you into compliance," Jason stated.

"Apparently," I murmured.

"Your a massive sucker," Jason laughed.

"Fuck off, this is the mafia we are talking about here. It's not like I could simply say no and walk away, they wouldn't stop until Jeremy and I ended up dead, I do not want a life on the run." I snarled.

"I know," Jason whispered knowing exactly what I was describing.

"Until further notice we are unavailable to our usual clients." I sighed feeling like I just signed my own fucking death warrant.

"It's already been done," Jason replied. This is why I hired you, I thought to myself.

"I'll contact you when I can, make sure dipshit stays out of trouble," I grumbled.

"That's already been handled too," he replied. I simply grunted at him and hung up, sometimes that kid seriously bothered me.

Reminding myself to punch him the next time I saw him, I headed to the shower.

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