Chapter 21

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A whole day had passed since I spoke with Jason and it was getting on my nerves. There were no lies between us but I felt like some how I wasn't going to appreciate what he had to say.

Turning my gaze to the customers walking into the club, I had told Bellamy to install a camera above the doorway outside. Whenever the door opened the camera would snap a picture without the clientele knowing.

It would be easy to look through the pictures and hopefully be able to track down anyone who made a scene in the club, like the other night. We also installed one at the back door, incase we had unwanted visitors.

Due to the young kid who broke into my room, Jace installed window alarms on all of the upstair windows. The young kid in question disappeared from the room after my questioning and I didn't question where or what they had done to him.

Part of me should have felt guilty but he had come here for Claire, despite the turbulence that came to her and I, I didn't want anything to happen to her.

Bellamy had lied to her when he said that I had paid Jeremy's debt, I knew that I was here to help protect her but for some reason I still got the distinct feeling I was here for another reason.

Watching the club and having her in my line of sight at all times helped keep my job at the fore front.

When the club began to close things down, I made my way to the security room. Booting up the computer, I watched the cameras as the club became empty. The waitresses did some cleaning and helped the bartender clean some dishes before they left the club as well.

Two guards stood at the entrance and two stood at the back. Bellamy and Jace sat at the bar talking, Claire was in her room. Looking down at the computer I opened the email, growling at the lack of response from Jason.

Glancing up at the cameras again as I powered down the computer I saw Jason in the middle of the club. Guards surrounding him and Bellamy was standing with Jace in front of him.

"Shit," I muttered to myself before leaping to my feet and running for the elevator. Once the doors opened on the main floor I rushed out in between Jason and the two who stood in front of him.

"He's with me." I exclaimed.

"Step aside, Nick." I paused at the tone of voice Jason used. Turning around I looked at him and noticed that he was in a business suit. Usually he liked wearing jeans and t-shirts, the young kid that I was used to was far from the young man that was standing before me.

"No," I growled at him.

He simply sighed and moved to stand next to me, facing Bellamy and Jace.

Turning my gaze to them I was shocked to see them standing there stunned.

"Where have you been?" Bellamy demanded.

"Living my life," Jason shrugged.

"You couldn't call? For fucks sake Jason, we thought you were dead." Bellamy shouted, Jace placed a hand on Bellamy's shoulder in an effort to calm him down. He shrugged Jace's hand off of him and stepped closer to Jason.

"Calling wouldn't have served the purpose, I was trying to accomplish." Jason responded. "I wanted out but being in the position that I was in, that would have proved difficult to do so."

I stood there stunned, Jason warned me to steer clear of the family and now I knew why. He had a connection to them.

"All you had to do was ask, Jason." Bellamy stated disbelief evident in his gaze.

Jason scoffed, "You knew it wasn't that easy."

"It could have been," Bellamy bellowed.

"Oh my god," I turned as glass shattered behind us. Claire stood there with tears in her eyes as she stared at Jason.

My eyes swung to Jason as he turned to see Claire, the questions swirled in my head as I saw the answer right in front of me.

"Your okay," she breathed as she stepped forward tentively like he would evaporate at any second.

When she was within two feet of him she jumped at him and wrapped herself around him as she cried into his shoulder. Jason stumbled at her sudden leap but kept himself steady so they both didn't go tumbling to the floor.

Jason wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close, jealousy ripped through me at the familiarity between them.

"I've missed you so much," she breathed as she dropped her legs from his waist and stood before him.

He pulled away from her and she took that opportunity to punch him in the face. I stepped forward but paused as he took it.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to her as he rubbed his face.

"I'm sorry? That's it after all these years? I'm sorry?" She whispered to him tears brimming again.

"I couldn't stay here anymore, I wanted more than the life of this family and you knew that. You of all people should understand." He said defiantly.

"Of course I understand, Jason." She yelled. "I thought you were dead, we all did. The least you could have fucking done was call me. Tell me you were all right!" She screamed at him.

"We were family, blood!" She yelled at him stabbing her finger to her chest. "I was your best friend and you were mine, when everything fell apart I needed you but where were you?" She cried.

I watched the scene unfold before me as if I had no idea who either of these two were. The secrets that Jason had kept from me.

"I was fighting my own battles, Claire. He wouldn't have let me go and we both knew that." He threw his hands up and ran them through his hair in agitation.

"He died, two days after you left. Two days, that's all you had to do was hold out for two fucking days." She whispered forcefully.

"I was your sister, Jason." She cried out, "your fucking sister."

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