Chapter 4

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"Why do you need his brother?" I glanced back to Claire. Standing up I walked to her and gave her gun back.

She was a stunning woman, tall and lithe with black hair and bright green eyes. Her olive skin made her mouth watering but it was her attitude that sent her over the top. She could take care of her self and had proven so on many occasions.

"I've heard that he is good, if the stories are correct he will be a great addition to the fold. The services he has at his disposal are unsurpassed and we may need them when the time comes."

"I want him tailing you, Claire. He needs to learn the job quickly, any issues that come up I want him to be able to handle it without incident."

Narrowing her eyes at me, I held myself in check. She saw everything and would know if I was up to anything. "Fine, but if I don't like him. I'm killing him and pinning it on you." She snapped before shoving her gun in its holster and striding down to the control room.

I sighed as I watched her disapear into the room and slam the door. She was the only one I ever let talk to me that way. Leaning forward on my knees, I glanced up and Jace.

"Are you sure that we should be doing this?" Jace stepped forward and whispered, his eyes not leaving the closed door.

"What choice do we have? We need her protected 24/7. We can only do so much and I do not trust anyone besides us to watch her. We know him and once he is hired, he will complete the job." I sighed running my hands through my hair, the urge to go shoot someone burned through me.

"Can we trust him with her?" Jace asked his eyes searching mine.

"We both know we can, things are getting worse Jace, you know this. It's only matter of time before something happens and we need to be prepared on all fronts."

"I don't trust some of the guys under our leadership, pack of rabid dogs is all they are. They don't know the meaning of respect to the family." I snarled as I slammed my hand on the table. "They would sell us out if they were offered something they wanted more."

"We don't know if the leak came from within," Jace said in a calming tone. "You need to keep that anger in check. If anyone suspects what we are doing shit will get bad and fast."

"We don't have proof it didn't and quite frankly it's making my skin crawl." I snapped at him knowing he was right.

"This guy is the best out there, he is smart, made sure to stay clear of our dealings and left us alone. I've done my research, this guy is exactly what we need." I told him, my eyes never wavering.

"I hope your right, Bell. I hope your right." He muttered as he moved towards the elevator to resume his shift on the floor.

I watched him press the button and the doors begin to close, "I hope I'm right too." I whispered to myself.

I stood and straightened my suit before walking to the control room, opening the door I watched her as she watched the screens.

"What is it Bell?" She sighed, her eyes never leaving the screens.

"Are you doing okay?" I asked as I stepped into the room and closed the door.

"I'm fine, why?" She responded taking her eyes off the screen to watch me.

"Because you seem stressed, Jace and I have both noticed it." I told her as I pulled up another chair to sit in front of her.

"We are losing product and money, you tell me how I should be doing?" She sighed.

"Jace and I are trying to figure it out. We have all of our resources pulling together to figure this out."

"Are you sure that we need to bring in this outsider? He knows nothing of our world." She asked. I smiled, my girl always straight to the point.

"Yes, in order for me to do my job effectively, I need to know your safe. Jace and I, wouldn't bring him in unless it was important." I told her truth ringing in every word I spoke.

I watched her lean back as she observed me, "you can bring him in, but if he doesn't prove to be exactly as you said. I won't be happy."

I sighed, "I need to be able to be on the ground running things, observing things. Jace can only do so much, if we are too busy worried about you, we won't get the bastard who is doing this to the family."

"I understand," she said standing up. "It's getting late and I have deliveries to handle in the morning."

"I'll have Cain, Daniel and Fynn take over for the night. I'm going to need you and Jace in the morning." I told her.

"I'll let Jace know." She kissed me on the cheek before leaving the room. I sighed as I rubbed my hands along my face, these little incidents were becoming out of control and we needed to get them handled.

Grabbing the headset from the table, "Jace do a final sweep and call in Daniel and Fynn. Keep Cain on the floor and have them close it up for the night. Ill need you in the morning."

Watching the screen I saw him nod before calling Cain over, they did a sweep checking on the clientele before I watched Fynn and Daniel walk into the room. After Jace gave the orders I watched him head to the elevators.

Standing up I stretched and headed to my room, 48 hours wasn't going to be soon enough to suit me. Nick Gerard better be what everyone said he was and more.

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