Chapter 35

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My eyes met his an instant before a bullet pierced his temple, out of reflex as he dropped, his finger pulled the trigger. Hissing in pain as the bullet hit my shoulder, I slammed back into the bar.

I could feel the blood, slowly seeping down my back and chest. Relief flooded through me as Jace came skidding around the corner.

"Were you hit?" He demanded as he knelt down beside Claire, feeling for a pulse as more bullets screamed through the air.

"I'm fine," I sat up, peaking over the top of the bar. People were scattered around the bar, hiding behind up turned tables, some were on the ground blood seeping from beneath them.

"We need to get out of here," I yelled as a semi automatic went off near the entrance of the club.

"You need to get her out of here, if someone attacked her here out in the open, in the club, it isn't safe anymore." He replied as he replaced the clip in his weapon.

Bullets hit the top of the bar sending wood chips raining over the top of us, Jace and I returned fire. Ejecting my clips, I replaced them as more bullets hit the area around us in a scatter pattern.

"Where the hell is Bell?" I yelled, more people began screaming as more gunfire sounded.

"He's hunkered down near the elevator," he replied leaning against the bar.

Crawling to the other side of the bar, I looked down the hallway. Bodies lay scattered, blood smeared as men with rifles walked in formation towards me. The lights had been cut but I could make out their faces, mercenaries in their element taking out anyone they felt was a threat.

I was surprised to find women and a couple men, being pushed back by two of them, drawing them away from the club. I let out a one, two whistle drawing their attention.

"Sir, we need to get you out of here." The leader spoke, as the men formed a barrier around him allowing him to kneel down and hunker beside me.

"We need to get her out of here," I told him as i pointed to Claire's unconscious form.

He looked to her and nodded his head, pointing to two men who quickly rushed forward one threw his rifle over his shoulder and picked her up gently.

I ignored the rush of jealousy at his simple act and moved to stand in front of them. Jace moved and hit a switch under the bar, a moment passed and the emergency lights flickered on allowing us to see the chaos of the club.

Though dull compared to the lights we were accustomed to, you could see the damage that had been done. Plaster hung from the walls, ceiling tiles had fallen, bodies laid everywhere. Blood seemed to be the only color you could see.

Men were firing shots near the entrance, their attention being held by Bellamy and Cain who were firing from the elevator. Men and women were hiding in the private booths, screaming as bullets whizzed passed them.

"We need to get to the elevator," I yelled over the noise. The mercenaries made formation around the man holding Claire as we stepped from the bar.

Like one solid unit we moved, bullets flew around us as more screams filled the air. Orders were being shouted out as more enemies piled in from the front door. Bellamy noticed our approach and rolled away from the elevator, coming up behind an over turned table.

I shouted at two men to take position near Bell, I could hear chatter in my ear piece but it was too distorted to make out.

"Jace, we need someone at the back door." I yelled at him as he fired shots at the entrance clipping on man in the shoulder and another in the neck.

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