Chapter 14

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"Why were you breaking into my room?" I snapped at him causing him to flinch.

"I was hired to, but it wasn't your room I was supposed to be in. They gave me the wrong information." He whispered tilting his head back to meet my gaze.

"That room was supposed to be empty," he hissed as he shifted in his seat.

"What were your orders?" I demanded.

"To kid nap a woman, they didn't give me a name. Only said that she was extremely beautiful, with black hair and olive skin. That she slept here on the top floor."

"Who gave you the information?" I snapped.

"I.. I don't know," he whispered.

I stepped forward ready to cut him again, he tried leaning back from me but due to his position it didn't work.

"I swear!" He screamed his eyes going wide. "It was all over a prepaid cell, it was left in my mail box with a note. It said to wait for a phone call."

"I waited two days before the stupid thing rang, the voice was distorted but it said that 10 grand was being deposited into my account."

"I asked what they wanted, it wasn't the first time I had been contacted to do something for money. It's how I make a living. Just this is the only time I didn't know who was giving the orders."

"The voice said that an envelope was in my car, to open it and complete my task. That another 10 grand would be deposited into my account when it was completed."

"They had blue prints to the building, what rooms were occupied and what ones weren't. They said no security alarms were on the windows to the top floor rooms, that trying to get in on the ground floor was useless."

"They had times to when the place shut down, to when the top floor wouldn't have guards patrolling."

"Your room was the closest room to hers from the information that I was given, I was to grab her and take her to an abandoned warehouse. I was to leave her tied up to the bike rack to the side of the building and leave."

"That's it I swear!" He cried out, rushing his words and his explanation for being here.

"Guess they didn't tell you that all the top floors have to have a key card to get into." I told him and watched as his eyes widened. "Were done here."

"Wait..what are you going to do to me?" He whispered his tough facade falling and tears pooled in his eyes. I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my coat before walking out the door.

Unfortunately it wasn't my place to tell him what I was going to do with him, he really didn't do anything besides break in. What his other plans where? Would have broke my contract with the family and that was something I couldn't afford.

Walking down the hall and out behind the bar, I found Jace sitting down patiently waiting for me. Glancing down at my watch I noticed that I had been in the room for most of the morning.

"Well?" He asked as he noticed my sudden appearance.

"He was here to grab Claire," I told him moving from behind the bar to sit next to him.

"Who hired him?" He asked turning in his seat to stare at me.

"He doesn't know, everything happened over a prepaid, distorted voice, random envelope drop with instructions and money transfer. He usually does this shit for money but he usually knows who he is working with but this was different."

"Due to the amount of money, I don't think he questioned anything." I mumbled.

"Why do you say it like that?" He asked tilting his head curiously.

"They had floor plans, timed movements of your guards, what rooms were occupied and what ones weren't. However he didn't know about the rooms being key card locked."

"To be honest, I think he was a test dummy. To see what we would do, how we would react and if he did accomplish what he was intended to do, he was supposed to drop her off at a warehouse, lock her up and leave."

He frowned at my statement, "what are you thinking?" He asked.

"I don't know, this doesn't seem like a hit. If they had really wanted her they wouldn't have sent him in half cocked. Unless they were after something else, it's either that or they didn't know some the locking systems in place. He didnt even know i was here, the room they told him to break into was supposed to be empty. Which means this was an outside source not an internal job." I concluded.

"Hmmm," Jace sighed and scrubbed his hands down his suddenly tired looking face.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before someone tried something but this?" He waved his hands toward the direction I had come from. "This means they are daring and will probably try again."

"I need to tell Bellamy, why don't you go ahead and get some rest. I'll send up a plate of food, is there anything specific you would like?" He asked as he rose to his feet.

"Steak and potatoes?" I questioned, steak sounded hella good.

"Sure thing, Bellamy and I will stay in tonight. So your free to enjoy some free time." He finished as he headed to the back room where shipments were probably being delivered.

Standing from my seat I made my way to my room, glancing about before slipping out of my clothes and taking a shower. Getting out I heard knocking on my door, wrapping the towel around my waist I moved to the door and opened it.

I kept a blank face at the sight Claire made standing in my door, something that reminded me of our time together.

"I brought you your food," she said pushing inside and setting the food on the table.

"Thank you, ma'am," I replied easily. I expected her to leave immediately but she lingered, something in her stance and in the expression she wore I knew she was contemplating something. "Is there something I can help you with, ma'am?"

I watched her lips tighten at the word ma'am but she shook her head and headed out of the room shutting the door as she went, I smirked at the door and fished some boxers out of the closet. Putting them on I sat down to eat, before sliding into bed and getting the rest my body was craving.

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