Chapter 36

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"Shit," I snarled as I watched Nick grab Claire, the man who had injected her running away, shielding his face from the cameras.

I reached over to grab the walkie to see what was happening, shoving empty food containers onto the floor as I went. I had been holed up is this damn room for two days, pouring over notes and pictures. Making sure that all alliances and people with access to the club were who they said they were.

Clothes hung from the couch at the end of the room, Bell seemed it appropriate to jump my ass at the most inopportune times. Times were all I would do is grab a shirt, maybe if I was lucky.

My gaze shot back to the cameras as the sound of gunshots reached my ears.

"Fuck," the word slipping from between my lips as I watched the customers begin falling to the floor. Scrambling to my feet and looking at all the angles I could, the men were pinned down.

Nick was being held by gun point at the bar, a flash of blonde caught my attention and I sagged in relief at the sight of Jace. I needed to get down there but the elevator was a no go.

Men were coming in from the front door, obviously jumping on the chance to take the club by force.

Opening the security door, I raced to the gun room. Grabbing knives and a hand gun, I placed them on my ankles and the gun in my waist. Grabbing extra clips I shoved them in my pants pockets and grabbed a double shoulder holster before shoving two more guns inside.

It's been a while, since being on the ground floor of something like this. In some ways I had missed the action and others I was grateful that I wasnt in this life anymore but that was my family down there and I wasn't about to stand idly by while they were gunned down.

Running out of the room and making sure I sealed closed, I headed for the security door. Pressing the button on the secret door, I raced down the steps and through the long tunnel. Bellamy told me of this secret in case things got bad, even after my disappearance he still loved me enough to make sure I was safe.

That asshole, making me feel things that we were strictly told weren't okay. He never cared though, family stuck together and that was one thing he always said that they could never take from us.

I regretted my choice to leave them all, after I had gone all I wanted was to go back but my feet never allowed me to go. They always kept pushing me forward, the times that I would watch them, monitor them, made me wish that I could be with them all again.

I heard about my father dying, I even attended the funeral. No one knew I was there but I wanted to feel close to them again. My bastard of a father could rot in hell as far as I was concerned but they were out there in the open and i let myself feel like I was one of them again.

Shaking my head to clear my negative thoughts, I shoved open the secret panel to the underground car lot for the hotel. Looking around I made sure that no one saw me, sneaking around the cars I raced for the edge of the street.

It wasn't as crowded at night, making it easier to move quickly. Racing up the sidewalk I watched the front entrance. Groups of men were waiting for their chance to get into the door but the gun shots were making it impossible for them to storm in.

Reaching into my pocket I dialed the phone number as people ran past screaming.

"Hello," a deep gravelly voice greeted.

"It's Jason, I need the rest of you down at the club now! Fully loaded, come in the back." I whispered into the phone as I backed out of sight, the dial tone ringing in my ear. The men at the front were looking around the streets waiting for anyone to come upon them.

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