Chapter 2

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The sound of a car door slamming caused Nick to jerk away from the wall, peaking around the corner towards the escalade. One man now stretched beside the car glancing around the almost empty street.

He watched as the man lit a cigarette and leaned in the passenger window, talking to the man who sat in the drivers seat. The rumbling voice of the man could be heard from where Nick stood but he wasn't able to make out exactly what he was saying.

When the man grunted and stepped away from the vehicle Nick got a good look at his face and couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, well look what we have here," Nick whispered as he stared at the big gorilla he hasn't seen in five years.

Chuckling to himself Nick turned on his heel and walked towards the middle of the alley, slipping his kit from his pocket he grabbed the key to the lawyers back door. Slipping inside and making his way through the back room into the main hallway before slipping into the open supply closet, like he had done the night before.

Listening intently to the smallest of noises that reached his ears as he pulled his glock from its holster. Glancing around the corner he saw a couple of people walk by the window before continuing on past. Checking the time, he figured the lawyer would be getting ready to head home.

Sure enough, he could hear papers being shoved into folders and a chair being scooted back. The pudgy man's office was the first one at the front of the hallway, making Nick three doors down from his target.

Glancing towards the front again he saw three men in suits standing in the open window, one hunkered down toying with the front door and two standing guard. Thankfully the hallway was dark. Nick slipped from his hiding spot and rushed at the front office where the pudgy man was just stepping out.

Holding his gun in front of him, he placed his finger to his lips as the man went to scream. Pushing him back inside his office as Nick heard the lock flip on the front door.

Nick clamped a hand on the guys mouth as he went to yell at the absurdness of the situation.

"Shut the fuck up, if you want to get out of here in one piece." He hissed in the man's ear. He felt more than saw the man physically begin to shake before nodding his head.

Content with the fact that the man would stay quiet, Nick turned towards the sound of footsteps coming.

Crouching down Nick slammed the butt of his gun into the face of the first guy who entered, when he doubled over in pain Nick shot the one who had come up behind him. Grabbing the man doubled over Nick jerked him up and chopped the side of his throat knocking him out.

Training his gun on the last man standing over his moaning friend with freight in his eyes. "Well I guess we meet again," Nick chuckled as realization dawned on the big gorilla.

"What the hell is going on?" The pudgy man yelled.

"Why don't we ask him?" Nick voiced as he motioned for the gorilla to step into the office.

Nick trained his gun on him as he reached down and dragged the shot man further into the room, having already dropped the other in a heap on the floor just passed the door.

"I'm going to fucking, kill you." The man on the floor screamed, spitting at Nicks face.

"Hmm, intetesting." Nick murmured. As he picked up the man's gun and held it against his throat. "Do you know who I am?" He whispered.

"I don't fucking care who you are," the man coughed. "I'm going to hunt you down and kill you."

"The name is Gerard and who might you be?" Nick said as he watched the man's face pale. "Oh? You don't want to answer?" Nick kneeled down and rolled the man over, pulling out his wallet from his pants, fucking rookies never learn. Never, ever take personal belongings to a hit. If things go wrong they can't identify you.

"Hmm, interesting. You wouldn't happen to be related to the Strausses, would you? As in Janet and Harold?" He whispered.

"," the young man stuttered and coughed some more.

"Remember my name, remember my face and take this message back to your boss. If you touch one hair on this man, I will come back for all of you." He whispered before knocking the kid out.

Standing to his full height, Nick turned his complete attention back to the gorilla who had pressed himself against the wall with his hands stretched out in front of him.

"Will you come back here?" Nick asked as he took a step towards him.

", s..sir," he stammered, shaking his head violently back and forth.

"You remember who I am?" Nick questioned darkly, his eyes narrowing.

"Yy..yes," the man gulped as his eyes widened even further.

"Good," Nick placed his gun back into the holster. "Come near him again and I won't be so lenient. I'll cut you up in so many different pieces they won't be able to find all of your body parts. Am I understood?" Nick all but growled.

Nick watched the gorilla for a moment before stepping up close, "I said, Do. You. Understand?"

"Yes, yy..yes, I unders..ssttand," the gorilla whispered. Without a second thought Nick slammed his elbow into the man's temple allowing him to drop with his friends.

Glancing up at the frightened lawyer he ground his teeth before reaching into his pocket and dialing Jason.

He held the phone out to the lawyer who stood shaking behind his desk, using it as some sort of cover. When the lawyer didn't moved Nick growled, before sliding the phone across the desk.

The lawyer just stared at it like it was the plague. "For fucks sake, pick it up," Nick bellowed causing the man to jump in fear.

Nick watched as he picked it up with shaky hands and place the phone to his ear. "H..hello?" Nick rolled his eyes and pulled the men further into the room and against the same wall.

"Oh god." Nick glanced at the the lawyer to see him sitting at his desk with his head in his hands. "I didn't think.. oh god, my, my wife." He stammered. "Oh thank god." The man slouched in his seat and the grey look to his skin caused him to look much older than he really was.

"Okay, okay, thank you," he whispered as he hung up the phone. The man looked at the men against the wall before his gaze slid to Nick. "Thank you, for everything." Nick grunted as the man broke down in tears.

"Come on, you need to get out of here." Nick ground out, the man was an utter baby and his tears were making him uncomfortable.

"But what about them?" He gestured to the three men as he stood up from his desk tightly gripping his briefcase to his chest.

"Don't worry about them, now get out and go home." He ground out again, he was seriously reaching his quota on words for the entire month.

"Okk..okay," the man stuttered before slipping passed the door and running for the entrance. Nick watched silently as the man got into his car and sped away, with that done he glanced down at the men.

"This is the part of my job, I hate." He muttered to himself as he grabbed one of the men by the leg and began to drag him down the hallway and out the backdoor.

Once all three were sitting in the alley, he slipped the keys from the young man's jacket pocket and made his way to their car. Slipping behind the wheel he turned the key and started the engine, slowly making his way out into the street making sure no one was watching, slipped down the alley.

Grabbing the men he loaded them into the back, when one began to moan he slammed his head into the floor of the car, knocking him out again. Shutting the back door, he slipped into the drivers seat and began to head towards the warehouses.

Pulling into an empty lot, he got out of the vehicle and walked away tossing the keys into the snow as he went. He didn't need to worry about prints the gloves on his hands prevented that.

When the lawyer spoke with Jason he knew what had been said, it was a safety clause they had always set in place to ensure no backlash, no proof would ever lead back to them.

As he walked back towards his hotel, he cautiously broke down his weapon and tossed various pieces into trash cans and down drains along the side walk. He had already filed down the serial numbers, the gun being clean, but tossing the pieces ensured it wouldn't be recovered.

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